Road safety campaigners last night blasted Liz Truss’ plans to review whether motorway speed limits should be scrapped.
The No10 hopeful - who is bookies’ favourite to become Prime Minister on Tuesday - revealed she would “look into” the radical proposal to scrap limits, currently 70mph on most motorways.
"On speed limits, again, I'd be prepared to look at that,” she told a Tory leadership hustings.
But the pledge to consider axing limits triggered fury.
Mary Williams, chief executive of road safety charity Brake, told the Mirror: “It's a reality that people can and do continue to make mistakes behind the wheel - and the faster we drive, the greater our risk of collision and the harder the impact.

“Any change to speed restrictions on motorways must be evidence-based, taking into account road user behaviour, road infrastructure and vehicle design to ensure safe roads for all – it is highly unlikely that the evidence base for motorway safety right now would point to a recommendation for higher speed limits, and Brake would not therefore support such a recommendation."
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents' road safety manager Becky Guy said: “Driving at the national speed limit in all situations doesn’t actually guarantee a faster or smoother trip.
“Studies have shown that lower motorway limits help maintain smoother traffic flows, reduce air pollution and save drivers fuel - and slower is always safer.

“When variable speed limits were applied to a section of the M25 in 1995 a 15% drop in injury crashes was observed, and similar results have been observed across the world.”
Four years ago, when she was Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Ms Truss claimed motorway speed limits should be hiked to 80mph to boost national productivity by helping car and van drivers get to meetings more quickly.
Lib Dem transport spokeswoman Wera Hobhouse said: " Liz Truss has proven time and time again that she is willing to say anything in her quest for power.
"She’s spent the whole summer recklessly committing to whatever she thinks will win her votes.
“This is just another one of her many promises that will be going nowhere fast."