A Colorado man who shot and killed a 13-year-old boy after a road rage confrontation and wounded the boy’s mother, brother and a witness was found guilty of first-degree murder Wednesday.
A jury deliberated for less than three hours before issuing the verdict for Jeremy Webster, who was also found guilty of attempted murder and assault for the June 14, 2018, attack.
Webster told police that he was not in his body or in control of his emotions during the attack, and that he witnessed his “arm doing the shooting” as if he were an outside observer.
His lawyer, Rachel Oliver, said he had been losing his mind for years, and asked the jury to find him not guilty by reason of insanity, which would send him to a mental hospital for treatment.
But prosecutors said Webster was sane and acted deliberately and with intent, following Meaghan Bigelow and her sons to the parking lot of their dentist office after accusing Bigelow of cutting him off while he was headed to Home Depot. The two argued in the parking lot and Webster pulled out a gun after Bigelow used her phone to take a video of Webster's car.
Webster, 28, sat in his chair at the defense table drinking from a water bottle and did not appear to show any emotion when the verdict was read. Meghan Bigelow, seated next to her husband in the front row on the other side of court, cried and wiped away tears as the verdict was read.