Janney Marin, known professionally as "Chiquis," filed a defamation lawsuit against her uncle, Juan Rivera Saavedra, seeking over a million dollars in damages. This high-profile case, filed in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court in Miami-Dade County, Florida, has sparked widespread media attention, as it brings up problems within the Rivera family.
At the heart of the lawsuit, which Latin Times had access to, is a dispute over the song "Abeja Reina" ("Queen Bee"). Chiquis says that her uncle has falsely accused her of claiming others' work as her own, not giving credit where it's due, and withholding payment from her co-writer.
In December 2023, Juan Rivera claimed that he should receive royalties for this song released by his niece in 2022. He asserted that he is one of the authors of the song and that it was co-written and edited by Bobby Castro, a professional who is under contract with his company, Línea Global Publishing.
The lawsuit comes in the heels of two other legal proceedings between Chiquis' siblings, who have sued their grandfather, Pedro Rivera, for illegally using the music and image of their mom and his daughter, Jenni Rivera.
Chiquis lawsuit mentions Telemundo
"Jealousy is never good – it is always accompanied by hate," says the complaint, using a line from "Abeja Reina" that Chiquis alleges prophetically predicts her uncle's motive for his conduct. The document paints a picture of Juan Rivera embarking on a smear campaign driven by jealousy, seeking to tarnish Chiquis's image and credibility in the music industry.
Chiquis's legal team asserts that Juan Rivera Saavedra has made several false and defamatory statements about her involvement in the creation of "Abeja Reina." These statements, allegedly made on various media platforms, including YouTube and national television shows on Telemundo, have been deemed defamatory and damaging to Chiquis's reputation and career.
Chiquis accuses Juan Rivera of "malice"
The lawsuit also notes Rivera Saavedra's acknowledgment in a previous video that he did not author the song, contradicting his later claims. This inconsistency is a critical aspect of Chiquis's complaint, suggesting malicious intent in Rivera Saavedra's actions.
Juan Rivera's purported actions have not only caught the attention of the public but also led to a legal hold on the song's royalties, further complicating the situation. The complaint alleges that his statements were made with actual malice, knowing they were "false or with reckless disregard for their truth."
The lawsuit seeks damages exceeding one million dollars, including general and specific damages, as well as special damages. Chiquis's legal team argues that Juan Rivera Saavedra's statements "constitute defamation" per se and have caused significant harm to her professional and personal standing.
In the last few months Juan Rivera has also had a public fight with his older brother, Lupillo Rivera.
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