Nadella's rise to the top most rank of Microsoft was not a one-hit wonder. He has been working in the organisation for 22 years beginning from the level of technical marketing manager to ending up in the seat of CEO. An old video of Nadella that shows him demonstrating the functions of Microsoft's legacy spreadsheet software Excel is making rounds in the social media.
A Twitter user named Brandon Arvanaghi shared Satya Nadella's video that is presumably from the early 1990s where he is demonstrating the method to access data from a server into Excel.
Arvanaghi wrote, “Today, he's the CEO of a $1.8 trillion company. In 1993, he was just another middle manager doing Excel demos. Satya Nadella worked at Microsoft for 22 years. He climbed the ladder. And is worth ~$700 million today. There are many ways to win."
Arvanaghi also shared a video where Nadella is seen talking about his old presentation and sharing anecdotes about his experience while recording the demonstration video.
Nadella's inspirational video has attracted more than 7200 likes and around 900 retweets.