Rishi Sunak is set to spend around £63,000 on private school fees for his daughters next year.
The millionaire chancellor will see his own cost of living increase when his eldest daughter leaves prep school for an exclusive boarding school later this year.
The all-girls private primary both daughters attend - along with Harper Beckham, David and Victoria’s youngest child - charges £22,350 a year.
But the boarding school Mr Sunak’s eldest daughter is expected to move to in September charges an eye-watering £41,250 a year, taking their total education bill to £63,600.
Attendees of the school have gone on to be MPs, broadcasters, top judges and members of the Queen’s household.
The Sunday Mirror revealed last month that Mr Sunak and wife Akshata Murthy had moved out of Downing Street to their newly-refurbished, luxury West-London pad.

The family were said to have made the move so the eldest daughter could be closer to her prep school for the final term before heading off to boarding school.
Last month it emerged Mr Sunak had donated £100,000 to his childhood boarding school, Winchester College.
The money funds bursaries for children whose parents would otherwise not be able to afford to send them to the school, where Mr Sunak was head boy.
Winchester charges £43,335 a year, or £14,445 a term.
At the time, he told Sky News: “I was really lucky to have that opportunity. It was something that was really extraordinary, it certainly put my life on a different trajectory.”
A spokesperson for Mr Sunak declined to comment.