Related: Dominic Raab faces accusations he called Labour leader a w***er
Rishi Sunak is facing PMQs amid threats of a Tory rebellion over housing policy and the departure of senior MPs.
The prime minister has been forced to delay planning reforms amid significant pushback from Conservative MPs, demanding an end to the mandatory target of building 300,000 homes a year.
He was due to face a major test of his leadership next Monday when parliamentarians were set to vote on the flagship Levelling Up Bill. But nearly 50 backbenchers and former cabinet ministers have signed an amendment that would ban councils from taking housing targets into account while deciding on planning applications.
It comes as opinion polls showing the Conservatives facing an uphill battle at the next election – expected in 2024 – has the party bracing for a growing MP exodus.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Scottish parliament cannot hold a second referendum.
Judges in the UK’s highest court ruled that Holyrood cannot legislate on the matter, agreeing that constitutional matters are reserved for the parliament in Westminster.