There’s a powerful new “Art Through Struggle” exhibit at Albuquerque’s Indian Pueblo Cultural Center that will stop you in your tracks as you make your way through this world-class museum.
Cartoonist Ricardo Caté’s work is on display until January 2019, and his brightly-colored one panel commentaries are perspective-changing. They’re funny, biting and thought-provoking.
Caté himself is beloved for “Without Reservations,” the only Native American cartoon featured in a mainstream daily newspaper. He’s been writing six cartoons a week for the Santa Fe New Mexican for more than a decade, teaching, revealing and explaining the Native American experience to people one panel at a time.
If you’re lucky, you may run into the artist himself there. You’ll recognize him by his trademark bandana, and, although his work speaks for itself, you should definitely take some time to talk to him.
How did you get started as a cartoonist?
I started drawing cartoons in the 7th grade with my best friend David when we wound up in separate classrooms. We would draw cartoons of our “adventures” – both real and made-up – in our respective classrooms and then exchange cartoons in the hallway between classes. I continued to draw in high school, college and even while I was in the Marines.

Why were you attracted to cartoons as a way to get your message across?
I found cartooning to be the best way to get my point across because I, along with many other kids back then, struggled with English as our second language.
Do cartoons offer a means of expression that other outlets don’t?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so yes, cartoons definitely make it easier to get my point across for my readers.
What was the first cartoon you drew?
The first cartoon I ever drew wound up in our school’s newsletter back in 7th grade. It was simply one of my friends, who played basketball, standing at the free throw line and everyone is yelling at him to shoot the ball as he cries out, “Don’t yell at me!” Pretty lame, right? But I was 12 and that was funny to me.
Was it hard to convince the Santa Fe New Mexican to give you a column?
I originally walked into the Santa Fe New Mexican newsroom to ask if they needed any freelance writers because I loved to write. They said no and as an afterthought I asked if they would check out my cartoons because I had my drawing pad with me. This was spring of 2006. They explained that I had to go through a syndicate in Florida, which sent the plate that the cartoon page was on. I explained that I was standing before them with my drawings and asked why did I have to go all the way to Florida? They were like, “Look, I told you — you have to go to Florida.” This went on, back and forth, for ten minutes until finally she said “Ok, let me see them.” She read the nine I had with me and laughed and within minutes several people were in there laughing and she said, “We HAVE to have this in the paper.” The rest is history.

Were there other Native American cartoonists in other newspapers then?
I didn’t know of any other Native cartoonists at that time, no.
You’ve been drawing “Without Reservations” since 2006. How have the cartoons changed over time?
I’ve “tweaked” the cartoons a bit by 1) Drawing fewer “inside jokes” that only Native people would understand, and making them more universal. 2) Developing my two main characters, The Chief and The General, so that each basically represents the culture they come from, and 3) Getting rid of my characters’ eyes because I found it easier to have them express themselves that way.
How have readers’ reactions changed?
Initially, I got a bunch of hate mail. Readers wrote that the cartoon was racist, it wasn’t well-drawn, it wasn’t funny, etc. I wrote back to every single one, explaining that I was Native and that this cartoon was based on how I see the world as a Native. They responded with, “Oh, you’re Native? Well, that’s okay then.”
What is your goal as a Native American cartoonist? Do you feel a responsibility to represent all Native Americans?
I don’t feel I should be responsible and represent all Natives because each tribe is different with its own history. I think mainstream America often depicts us as one even though there were well over 1000 tribes before the Europeans came. I base my cartoons on my knowledge of other tribes as well as my own. I try to “educate” my readers about certain tribes and certain dates in Native American history that should have been told already.

Do you ever have to censor yourself?
I censor myself all the time. I could easily offend everyone who isn’t Native with my cartoons, but why do that? I want as many people to read the cartoon as possible so they can get a little bit from it to start conversations going about Native issues.
You played a role in bringing media attention to Standing Rock. Can you talk about that a little?
I first headed up to Standing Rock out of curiosity and, seriously, because I had nothing else to do at the time. So I drove there and found that much of what I saw on Facebook about the cause was not true. I arrived August 27, 2016 with supplies, and by day three, I started drawing what I witnessed that particular day and posted those drawings on Facebook. Soon I was getting a lot of likes and shares, which was important to me because there was hardly ANY media coverage and when there was, the Bismark newspaper was grossly biased against the Water Protectors. I felt that I was actually doing something to help the movement and I enjoyed every minute I was up there. We may have lost that battle, but it set a precedent for all who were there to go back to our respective communities and speak out against fracking, pipelines, water rights and anything else affecting our Native communities.
What’s been the response to your exhibit at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center?
It’s been positive, which is a very good indicator for me to finally branch out to other newspapers around the country.
Which of your cartoons have been the most popular?
It’s hard to say which cartoon is the most popular as each person has their reasons for even liking specific ones. My personal favorites usually have only a few words to them. The simpler, the better.

Which cartoons have been the most controversial?
The most controversial are those that deal with using Natives as mascots, the arrival of the Spanish in New Mexico and a few that I have drawn about the Roman Catholic church.
How have you tried to educate people about issues that affect Native Americans?
I like speaking at schools and colleges about my cartoons because then I can explain what it is I do and why I do it. I show different cartoons that I think are important and would benefit that particular audience, and then I set out to “educate” that audience as best I can, using humorous stories.
How challenging is it to come up with a daily cartoon?
Like with any deadline, I often wait until the last minute, but I usually have ideas in my head by Wednesday, draw them and turn them in for print the following week. I pay close attention to my surroundings, so it is easy to see the funny in most things, like Trump. Ha ha.
What message would you most like to get across to people?
I think my message would be that we as Native peoples, are still here and have no plans to go anywhere. I would like to see more representation of Natives in history books. We need to have our story told. This land came at a price and I simply want that fact acknowledged. I feel I am, in a most subtle way, addressing some of these concerns through my art.
It feels like your work is even more important and more universal at this time in history. Thoughts?
I do feel my work is even more important now than ever, both for open-minded egalitarian readers as well as conservatives who seem to be most offended by my work. I would like to think I am starting to bridge the gap between the two so that real discussion starts to take place.