LAKE Macquarie councillors are expected to rubber stamp the rezoning of agricultural land next week to further accommodate the growing demand for housing in the south-western corner of the local government area.
The 4.5-hectare parcel of land at 1377 Hue Hue Road, on the western side of Wyee, has been earmarked by Sydney-based developer TOPA Property for development of up to 50 homes.
A proposal to rezone the area from rural to low-density residential will be presented to councillors at next Monday night's Committee Meeting.
The proposed development is situated close to the M1 Freeway, neighbours the much-larger Radcliffe housing estate and is 2.6 kilometres from Wyee Train Station.
The southern corner of the parcel of land backs on to Mannering Creek. A property agreement between council, TOPA Property and landowners Wyee Nominees seeks to keep that section zoned environmental conservation with a realigned border.
Wyee and the nearby suburbs of Morisset and Cooranbong have been identified as areas for significant population growth under the Lake Macquarie Local Strategic Planning Statement and the Hunter Regional Plan 2041.
It is forecast by 2046 that the population of south-western Lake Macquarie will grow from 18,093 people in 2021 to 32,322 at an annual growth rate of about 2.3 per cent.
"The planning proposal and future residential development of the site is consistent with this strategic direction," a spokesperson for Lake Macquarie City Council said.
"It is anticipated that the rezoning will enable 40 to 50 new residential lots. The specific number of new residential lots will be subject to a future subdivision application."
During public exhibition in August three submissions were lodged to council regarding concerns over the increase of traffic congestion on Hue Hue Road and potential noise issues due to the proposed subdivision's close proximity to the M1.
"A traffic impact assessment prepared for the planning proposal concluded that the vehicle trips likely to be generated by a future residential development on the site can be accommodated within the existing road network without the need for road widening or intersection upgrades," the council spokesperson said.
"Infrastructure like new roads to access new lots, drainage, water, power, sewer and footpaths within the site will be required to be provided by the developer of this land as part of a future development application process.
"Other facilities required for the area are identified in our Morisset Catchment Development Contributions Plan and will be delivered by council when development thresholds are met. Specific facilities to be delivered will be identified in council's annual operational plan."
An assessment found that levels of noise and vibration for the site from the M1 were below acceptable limits.
This latest proposed development follows a flurry of activity around Wyee.
Earlier this year council made the controversial decision to approve a 120-lot Ramsgate Estate subdivision in bushland off Saddlers Way at Wyee Point.
There were 26 submissions received from the public against the Ramsgate Estate, arguing the proposed development would create traffic congestion both during and after construction, would impact flora and fauna and change the character of the area.
In July council rezoned a 1.4-hectare site at 106 Wyee Road and 1496 Hue Hue Road to build a shopping centre, including a full-line supermarket, speciality retail, commercial spaces and car parking.