Revived plans to convert a long-vacant town centre bank into a nightclub will remain in limbo until the applicant has the ‘decency’ to appear before councillors, a planning meeting heard. Proposals for a change of use to the old Royal Bank of Scotland, in Middleton, were refused by Rochdale council’s planning committee two years ago, with members citing a history of alcohol-fuelled trouble in the area.
But a tweaked scheme was recommended for approval when it went before the panel on Thursday night. An officer’s report advised that bringing the Market Place building back into use would ‘contribute to the vitality’ of the town centre, meeting leisure needs in a ‘suitable’ location.
However members also heard objections from Coun Peter Winkler - who runs a printing business in Market Place - and his mother Patricia, who has lived above the shop for more than 20 years. Coun Winkler, speaking in a personal capacity, said attempts to run ‘similar businesses’ in the past had caused ‘chaos, disruption and anti-social behaviour’ in the area.
READ MORE : Middleton's name still stands to be wiped off parliamentary map under shake-up
“What I’m saying tonight is this area is not suitable for this sort of business,” he added, telling the committee that - despite the number of takeaways and proximity of the arena - it was also a residential and commercial area.
Mrs Winkler told the committee how a cafe bar operating from a neighbouring property had led to her suffering with stress due to the noise coming through the wall. She added: “To be honest, it’s getting me worked up just thinking about what could happen if a nightclub went into where the bank was.”
Coun Irene Davidson said she was ‘very disappointed’ that the applicant was not at the meeting to answer the committee’s questions. “That’s shows to me a disdain and thinking it’s just going to go through,” she said. "To put something this size in that area I don’t think I can support it.”
Coun Davidson added: “What’s tipped it for me is, one, the applicant isn’t here and he should be here and talking to us would make life a lot easier for them and for us - and for our officers. And two, the residents are right next door to this and unless the right things are put into place - ie the cost of getting that building fit for purpose - to me it’s silly, it’s absolutely silly.”

Coun Phil Burke agreed the applicant had shown ‘complete disregard’ for the committee. "And therefore, until they have the decency to turn up at this meeting to discuss the issues we have raised we should defer the meeting to our convenience and not theirs,” he said.
This proposal was put to the committee by chair Coun Shakil Ahmend and unanimously agreed by members. Rochdale council’s planning committee met at Number One Riverside on Thursday night (November 24).