In the beginning, there was no such thing as men. But it all went downhill from there for The Faggots and Their Friends.
Based on the 1977 cult book by Larry Mitchell and Ned Asta, this 90-minute musical theatre masterpiece does not rewrite history, it radically retells it. Celebrating the queer community, 15 impeccable performers tell the story of the human race from the perspective of the recently oppressed, equipped with musical instruments, various outfits and captivating choreography.
The vast stage at HOME's main theatre space is a blank canvas for endless creativity throughout the performance which starts with the lights on, making the audience feel involved in the production from the off. Later, the audience actually does become part of the performance as the fourth wall is broken for a sing-a-long as an 'abrupt change in style' takes place halfway through.
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Arty, but accessible, this Manchester International Festival production is fun while thought-provoking. Adapted for the stage by Ted Huffman and Philip Venables, the fundamental premise is that a patriarchal society is not the inevitable state of nature.
However, it comes into being as the men bring brutality, violence and their love of paper to the world. Told like a bedtime story, The Faggots and Their Friends Between The Revolutions explains how a community survived through changing times.

To borrow a term from queer culture, this production is all about reading the patriarchy by pointing out its flaws with wit. As anyone who has ever watched RuPaul's Drag Race will attest, reading is fundamental - and done right, it can be funny too.
Prepare for passion, poignancy and pithiness in a performance featuring creative costumes, a selection of sounds and dynamic dancing. The amount of talent on stage is remarkable with a wide range of musical instruments complementing operatic voices.
Each actor has their moment in the spotlight, but two stand out more than most. Kit Green assumes the role of leader of the pack, while Yandass amazes the audience with her heartfelt storytelling and surprisingly emotional dancing towards the end.

The ending is abrupt and feels somewhat distressing. But despite its serious side, this show is bursting with joy throughout.
Permanently in the past tense, at times, it is unclear where the story will go. But the audience is left asking: What comes next?
The Faggots and Their Friends Between The Revolutions continues until Saturday, July 2.