The ACT government has announced a review of psychiatric care in relation to the violent attack at the Australian National University.
Two women remain in hospital with stab wounds after the attack by a man wielding a knife and a frying pan on Monday afternoon.
In response to Monday's incident, the ACT government has announced a review by the Chief Psychiatrist of the "individual circumstances surrounding this incident".
A statement said: "Subject to the outcomes of the Chief Psychiatrist's review and any recommendations for systemic change, the government will convene a dedicated working group to provide advice on matters that arise."
The review will take into account any current situations and also, as the statement puts it, "laws that prohibit the disclosure of personal medical information".

"The government is limited in what information can be made public. However, we will inform the community about aspects of the incident when we can."
ACT Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury said: "Certainly the chief psychiatrist is involved because of the mental health circumstances around this matter. Obviously we are limited in the way we can talk about the individual involved [but] the chief psychiatrist has a role to play."

"We're obviously keen to know why this individual was able to make their way to the ANU campus, the decisions that led up to that point and consider whether the safety provisions that were in place around this individual were met."
The alleged offender, Alex Leonard Ophel, was on day release from a mental health facility, nurses familiar with the situation have told The Canberra Times.
Ophel was on unescorted leave from Gawanggal Mental Health Unit, in Bruce, on Monday, September 18, when he allegedly injured four people, The Canberra Times has been told.
Ophel had previously spent time detained at Dhulwa mental health facility, which provides 24-hour treatment and care for adults with complex mental health needs.
Ophel was charged with two counts of attempted murder at the ACT Magistrates Court on Tuesday.
Two 20-year-old women are in hospital following the alleged stabbings. A student from Bateman's Bay is in a critical condition.