Night in the Woods publisher Finji has revealed a brand new game that looks a lot like Mae Borowski's 2017 adventure.
Revenant Hill was revealed during the PlayStation Showcase on May 24, and it certainly got Night in the Woods fans excited. As soon as the trailer (embedded below) started it definitely felt like a new Night in the Woods game, however, this is actually the debut game from new studio The Glory Society.
Not only is the game's art style similar - aka cozy - but it also featured potential cameos from Night in the Woods characters such as protagonist Mae Borowski. Although it seems Mae has been left in Possum Springs and this is just a new character that just looks like her.
We didn't get a release date for this one yet, but we do know it's coming to PS5 sometime soon.
According to the Revenant Hill trailer description, the game is set in 1919, and it sounds like we'll be playing as a cat once again. As the description reads: "After the barn he was living in burns down, Twigs the cat takes up residence in a wet log near an abandoned graveyard. When the owl from the next hill over starts demanding rent, Twigs must find a way to make ends meet."
Players will need to grow crops, sell at the secret market, build a community, make friends, communicate with ghosts, host parties, and much more. Huh, this is really starting to sound like a Stardew Valley-like.
Wondering what else we have to look forward to? Take a look at our upcoming indie games list.