The new moon has made it so that tonight, all you can hear is the labored breath of both the ocean and humaniy. On a lonely Florida beach, the the only light comes from a headlamp that is where the shore is repeatedly kissed by the ocean. The roar of the waves crashing is deafening, threatening to topple the fisher over as they struggle with their latest catch.

Shore-based shark fishing in Florida is rarely monitored as it largely occurs at night on remote beaches and has received a questionable reputation after recent exposure of illegal activity. As such, it has become a highly polarizing topic, with differing opinions from various stakeholder groups regarding how the fishery should be managed or whether it should be banned outright.mIn response, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), which manages and regulates the state's fish and wildlife resources, approved several shore-based shark fishing changes back in 2019 including a mandatory, no-cost, annual Shore-based Shark Fishing Permit and educational course.
Yet, the characteristics of this popular sport - and fishery - itself remain largely unknown. Participants come from an array of socioeconomic backgrounds and are found in multiple states (e.g. California, Texas, the Carolinas, and Florida) and countries (e.g. South Africa, Australia, Argentina, and Europe). To more effectively manage this increasingly popular method of fishing, managers need to know more about who fishes sharks... but that’s a bit easier said than done.
Often times those in the fishing community are wary of scientists, and this weighed heavily on the mind of Hannah Medd, Chief Scientist at the American Shark Conservancy (ASC). “[Co-Principal Investigator Jill Brooks and I] were definitely outsiders [since we] are not recreational shark anglers,” Medd explained. “As we spent time with people engaged in this fishery, we heard stories of how encounters with scientists in the past were not productive. We tried to make it clear in the very beginning that the anglers' input was integral to the overall project which ultimately led to the development of this research described in this paper. Anglers have confessed to us a few years into the overall project that they were wary of us and assumed our intentions were to collect information only to restrict their activities. We were observing and tagging their catches but we didn't know who "they" were so our curiosity of who made up this fishery went academic. Luckily we have forged valuable relationships with anglers who were willing to work with us to figure out the best questions (and answer options) to describe the human dimension of this fishery.”
Medd, Brooks, and others provide the first comprehensive profile of the Florida shore-based shark fishery to inform fisheries management and conservation. Led by author Jessika Guay, the team distributed an online survey to all Florida Fish and Wildlife shore-based shark fishing permit holders to gather data on angler sociodemographics, fishing preferences, habits, motivations, and perceptions of shark conservation. “We identified three angler typologies that differed primarily by shark fishing experience and frequency: (1) experienced infrequent anglers, (2) skilled frequent anglers, and (3) novice infrequent anglers,” said Medd.

The results revealed that the Florida recreational shore-based shark fishery itself has increased in participation fivefold since 2010 and generates approximately US$7.8 million annually in equipment expenditures and $34.3 million annually in fishing trips. The surveyed anglers caught a total of 9,617 sharks within a 12-month period, averaging 11 sharks per angler, and the most preferred target species was the Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus). Widespread in warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical waters worldwide, these sharks tend to inhabit inshore waters off beaches, making them highly vulnerable to capture in commercial and recreational fisheries. This is especially true since they “put up a good fight,” their flesh is well-regarded, and the fins are highly marketable.
“One of the most surprising findings was the considerable amount of money that is spent to participate in this fishery and that most anglers that responded had only started in the past few years,” she continued. “We know anecdotally that this fishery has been around for decades and there is a long history in south Florida of catching big sharks from shore and piers but it seems as though there is a growing interest in the activity.”
But why the uptick? Medd explains that angler motivations were grouped into the following categories: leisure and well-being, experience of the catch, and consumption. Another interesting find was that most anglers expressed a desire to learn more about handling practices that benefited sharks, and that perceptions of shark conservation and management were generally positive. However, many anglers did not believe that recreational fishing negatively impacts shark populations. Still, she has hope for the future of this sector here.
“Understanding the characteristics and perspectives of anglers from the shore-based shark fishery in Florida is crucial for highlighting potential management pathways and estimating angler acceptance of management,” said Medd. “The human dimension of fisheries conservation is relatively new to me, which is why it was so important to collaborate with such esteemed social scientists at Carleton University who work in this sector. We have shared the paper with state and federal managers in hopes that it can better inform any actions they take in the future regarding recreational fishing for sharks.”
Medd and her team have also recently submitted their post-release mortality data to the federal hammerhead shark stock assessment and “it was some of the only direct recreational data available.” She hopes this published biological data and the new story can allow stakeholders to make informed decisions to better sustainably managed these predators.