A landlord has been given the longest ban on letting properties in the country after renting out ‘dangerous’ houses.
Nilendu Das, 55, has a ‘long history of operating and managing extremely poor quality housing’, and was once jailed for harassing tenants.
Shocking pictures from properties Das rented out shows roofs with holes in and one house that had heaps of rubbish outside.
Others show mountains of waste in their back gardens, filthy messes under sinks and jagged holes in ceilings.
He’s now been added to the Rogue Landlord Database after Sheffield City council applied for a banning order.
Das, of Sheffield, South Yorks, was given the ten year ban on September 22 at a tribunal in Manchester.

The ban is currently the longest banning order in the country, according to the council, and if he breaches it, then it could lead to a jail term or a fine of up to £30,000.
It comes after Das was convicted of putting tenants at serious harm from fire and exposing them to substandard and dangerous conditions in their homes.
Inside hazardous property rented out by Nilendu Das, 55, who has been given longest ban ever on letting properties in country— (Sheffield City Council / SWNS)
He was ordered to pay over £7,000 in court costs and fines for a list of housing offences as well as health and safety offences at his Indian restaurant in Sheffield.
Das, who has previously been jailed for harassing tenants, was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order in March 2021.
Inside hazardous property rented out by Nilendu Das, 55, who has been given longest ban ever on letting properties in country.— (Sheffield City Council / SWNS)
Cllr Douglas Johnson, chair of Sheffield City Council’s housing committee, said Das’ ‘properties were some of the most dangerous properties’ seen by the council.
Inside hazardous property rented out by Nilendu Das, 55, who has been given longest ban ever on letting properties in country— (Sheffield City Council / SWNS)
He said: “The length of Nilendu Das’ banning order reflects the seriousness of his actions and his flagrant disregard for fire safety and the safety of his tenants.
“We are very happy to see his name on the Rogue Landlord Database.
“Mr Das has a long history of operating and managing extremely poor quality housing and has been prosecuted numerous times by the council.
“This latest prosecution has come as a result of Mr Das’ continuation of the most severe housing offences.
“His properties were some of the most dangerous properties ever seen by the council’s enforcement staff.”