A car leasing business to be built on derelict land 300m from an airport runway has been given the go ahead despite neighbours' objections about traffic and noise.
Planning permission was granted to Chris McMahon for the development adjacent to the Flying High Nursery in Monkton Main Street at South Ayrshire Council's Regulatory Panel.
Objectors complained that the development would attract more traffic to the area. They also claimed that vehicles that use the site as an ad hoc car park would be forced to park on the street, adding to the congestion.
One objector, Carol Trigger, spoke on behalf of a number of residents.

She said: "The area surrounding the application site routinely suffers from traffic congestion and numerous problems have arisen from it.
"There are a significant number of vehicles parking in and around the Main Street and the application site itself.
"Vans, commercial vehicles regularly park overnight and over the weekend on the Main St close to the application site. Traffic from and to Spirit [Aerospace] and other airport businesses is predictable, causing tailbacks to the traffic lights.
"It is neither hypothetical or imaginary.
"This is highly likely, in consequence to reduce the ability of local people to park near or receive services at their home."
She said that the additional noise and littering would result in 'a reduction in residential amenity'.
Another resident, Leyla Coll-O'Reilly, said that the development would be out of keeping with the quiet and traditional nature of the area.
The site is just over 300m from the main runway at Prestwick Airport.
During the meeting Mr McMahon explained that his sister had acquired the adjacent Wheatsheaf Inn, turning it into Polly's Tearoom and gift shop.
However, a medical condition saw her sell the property, which is now the Flying High Nursery.
The site of the proposed car leasing business was part of the pub property and was retained after the sale to the nursery.
Councillors were told that the business would include a new building, office and garage, with customers only arriving by appointment.
Labour councillor Ian Cavana questioned whether the people of Monkton would see it as a 'small business' and appeared to believe the proposal would be a car wash available to the public and quizzed Mr McMahon over 'appointments'.
Mr McMahon said that the public would not be able to use the wash facilities which were only included to deal with seagull droppings on his vehicles.
Cllr Cavana said: "I drove through Monkton a couple of weeks ago and to be truthful it is pandemonium at the best of times. I have concerns traffic increasing in Monkton."
Graham Senior, of Ayrshire Roads Alliance, responded: "Any application has to be assessed on its own traffic generation as opposed to existing traffic circumstances. The operating model for this business suggests a very modest increase in traffic."
Mr McMahon insisted: "I can guarantee there will not be busloads of people turning up to look at the place. They are tiny, tiny numbers. Most of it is done online, via Teams or on the phone."
He also touched on the fact people used the land for parking at the moment, saying: "I am 100 per cent confident that less people will be arriving at the site once developed than are currently using it as a car park to watch planes or sit and have a smoke or whatever they do."
The Regulatory Panel approved the application with conditions.
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