Residents say 12-week gas work on a major road in Nottingham will be a 'nightmare' and cause travel chaos. The work on Derby Road, led by Cadent Gas, started today (January 9), partially closing the route for the next three months.
The outbound stretch, between Queen's Medical Centre and Priory Island, is closed for an estimated three weeks. The A52 Derby Road inbound is also down to one lane.
Several buses have been affected by the work, causing some Nottingham City Transport and trentbarton services to divert. Residents are already reporting 'serious disruption' as a result of those diversions.
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Wollaton resident Barbara Thompson said: "It's going to be a nightmare for people. Especially the elderly people who don't use a car."

The 75-year-old added: "I rely on the buses. I have a hospital appointment this week and how on earth I get there I don't know. It's going on for 12 weeks, practically near Easter. It's going to be very difficult for a lot of people."
Norman Hornibrook and his wife went to catch the NCT 36, not knowing a diversion was in place. The 81-year-old, from Bilborough, said: "It's quite a serious disruption for us. If you're catching the 36, we've got to go back to get the 35. I didn't realise. With the buses, it's quite inconvenient."

Two trentbarton bus services will be diverting during the work, the i4 and the Redarrow. Another resident, Anthony Moore, who relies on the buses, said: "It's a busy road. Everyone uses it to travel in and out of Nottingham.
"I think it's definitely going to cause a lot of disruption. Twelve weeks is a long time but the work has got to be done. I know a few buses have been diverted today because of it."

Cadent is replacing gas pipes under Derby Road which reportedly pre-date the Second World War. The pipes are showing signs of age and recquire a major upgrade.
A total of 2,000 metres of pipes will be upgraded, which is equivalent to around 20 full-sized football pitches. Cadent said it will make sure that throughout the project the gas stays on, except for one or two days for some properties who will be given advance notice.
Cadent teams will be working in one of the two lanes of carriageway traffic of Derby Road. Drivers are asked to allow additional time for their journeys.
Speaking previously about the project, Richard Sansom, director of Cadent's East Midlands network, said: "Our job is to keep gas flowing to heat homes, schools, offices and many other buildings in the local area, as well as future-proof the network ready for hydrogen. This part of the network has operated for more than 85 years.
"We've become too frequent a visitor in recent years, with our teams carrying out essential repairs. This upgrade will bring an end to that, ensuring everyone gets a safe, reliable supply well into the future.
"We appreciate this means another period of disruption and will maintain a work area that ensures the road can stay open in one direction, towards Nottingham city centre."
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