A CHRISTMAS light enthusiast was given a shock while attempting to install lights on an outdoor tree on Sunday evening.
Ausgrid was alerted to the incident in Charlestown on December 3, where lights were accidentally thrown over active power lines, giving the person an electric shock. Fortunately the person was uninjured.
"By throwing the lights from the ground to the top of the tree, the string of lights became caught on a power line leading from the street to a block of units," Ausgrid said in a statement.
To remove the overhanging Christmas lights, Ausgrid crews disconnected power to safely remove the lights before restoring power to the power line and property.
Following the incident Ausgrid is reminding customers to be aware of potential dangers when installing Christmas lights this festive season.
"We're thankful on this occasion the customer wasn't seriously hurt, however any contact with electricity is putting your life at risk," Ausgrid Group Executive of Safety, Delivery and Operations Sam Sofi said.
"We all enjoy putting Christmas lights up at this time of year, but there are no second chances with electricity," he said.
He said physical contact, or even close proximity, to live electricity has the potential to cause serious injury or death.
"Our number one priority is the safety of the community and the last thing we want to see is anyone being injured or worse, so please never attach lights or decorations directly onto or close to any electrical equipment, including power lines, power poles or the service wires which run between your property and the poles in the street."
Ausgrid's top Christmas safety tips:
- Closely inspect Christmas display power cords and bulbs before turning on the lights.
- Never attach lights or decorations to any electrical equipment, including power lines, power poles or the service wires running from the street poles to your home.
- Only use "outdoor display" lights outside and use tape, cable ties or clamps instead of nails to affix them into place.
- Check your smoke detectors are working and ensure you have a safety switch in your meter box.
- Unravel any coiled power cords to prevent them over-heating.
- Don't overload power points or power boards by piggy-backing double adaptors.
- Turn off and unplug your outdoor Christmas lights when it rains, when you leave home and/or when heading to bed.
If you see an electrical hazard or receive an electric shock call Ausgrid immediately on 13 13 88. In a life-threatening situation call 000.