Famed video game developer Hideki Kamiya, who's known for Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, and for directing the original Resident Evil 2, has some very, very choice words for people who leaked images and information about the Switch 2 before it was revealed.
First spotted by Eurogamer, Kamiya took to Twitter to post a trio of profanity-laden messages to Switch 2 leakers, and really, it's genuinely hard to pick the one quote to show y'all first. They're all so good. Let's just start chronologically why don't we? Keep in mind that these are machine-translated from Kamiya's native Japanese, but, well, there's zero ambiguity in the intent of his words.
"I hope that all of the people who leaked Switch 2 information/those who helped leak it will be cursed for the rest of their lives to always have poop on the soles of their shoes when they get home," Kamiya said.
Of course, sadly as predicted by leaks, Nintendo lifted the lid on the Switch 2 on Thursday after months, years even, of rumors and speculation. Former Nintendo PR people had previously said Nintendo was very upset about the leaks, and who can blame them? Something about knowing what's about to be announced takes a lot of the oomph out of the actual announcement.
You know what, Kamiya is way better than me at expressing how frustrating these leaks are, so take it away Kamiya:
"The shitty leaker only acts for his own pleasure and self-satisfaction, not only is he not contributing to anyone's benefit, he is incurring all sorts of opportunity losses, and has done nothing to be proud of in front of others. He is the worst of scum, so he should be covered in shit from head to toe and thrown out of the atmosphere... and then stop thinking and wander forever..."
Let me stop there. "Thrown out of the atmosphere and then stop thinking and wander forever." That is so frikkin' metal, man. And he didn't stop there.
"These damn leakers are in a position of responsibility where they have access to information that only a very select few know, yet what they do is nothing more than an expression of a filthy desire for approval that lacks a shred of rationality; they are shameful people, so it is not the manufacturers whose secrets have been exposed who should be blamed, but these damn people, and they need to be crushed as soon as possible..."
糞リーカーは、極一部の限られた人しか知り得ない情報を知る事が出来る責任ある立場にいながら、やってる事は理性の欠片もないドス汚れた承認欲求の発露に過ぎない恥ずべき人間なので、責められるべきは機密を暴露されたメーカーではなくこの糞どもであり、一刻も早く叩き潰さないといけないんですよ…January 16, 2025
Kamiya is famously outspoken, and dare I say hot-headed, but this is passionate stuff even for him. I do want to again couch his comments as having been machine-translated, but I don't know, he twice suggested leakers be covered in excrement using two different translated words, and I don't think the part about launching them into space is a mistranslation either. It's too specific.
He's really mad, and you know what, I kinda love that for him. I genuinely miss the thrill of big hardware reveals coming out of the blue, and I think the last time that genuinely happened for me was the PS4 back in 2013. Which is sad. Preach, Kamiya.
Forget the leakers and rejoice that Kamiya has his own studio, Clovers, and is making Okami 2.