Two female prospectors missing in rural Queensland have been found after disappearing two days ago.
Queensland Police on Saturday launched a public appeal to help find the women, 54-year-old Michelle Lyn Melbourne and 36-year-old Nikita May Bennett.
The pair had intended to go prospecting at Seven Mile Diggings on Old Esk North Road at Nanango in the South Burnett region but failed to return home on Friday night.
Their white Ford Falcon ute was found at Seven Mile Diggings, an old gold fossicking area, locked and with mobile phones inside.
Police and State Emergency Service crews mounted a search for the women soon after.
Just after 8am on Sunday, two trail bike riders found the women in a structure near the search area.
Emergency crews managed to navigate the difficult terrain to reach the women, who were then airlifted to Kingaroy Hospital with non life threatening injuries.