During the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., declined to answer a question regarding her stance on late-term abortion restrictions, a topic that remains significant within the party. The sources inquired whether Waters would support such restrictions, to which she visibly ignored the question, as captured on video.
Abortion has emerged as a focal point of the Democratic Party's strategy for the upcoming 2024 re-election campaign, with Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz leading the ticket. Throughout the convention, speakers have consistently advocated for increased federal access to abortion services.
Late-term abortions, which typically occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, have often been a contentious issue among Democratic lawmakers. The presence of Planned Parenthood's free mobile clinic near the United Center in Chicago, the venue for the DNC, further emphasized the party's commitment to promoting widespread availability of abortion services.