A housing provider has donated air fryers and slow cookers to its tenants across Renfrewshire in a bid to help reduce energy consumption.
The cooking equipment has been gifted to 688 Bield tenants as the provider received £33,000 from the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund – Round Two, funded by the Scottish Government and administered by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).
Developments based in Argyll and Bute, Ayrshire, Dundee, East and West Lothian, Edinburgh, Fife, Glasgow, Inverclyde, North Lanarkshire, Perth and Kinross, Renfrewshire and the Scottish Borders participated in the initiative which was led by Ken Greenshields, Customer Engagement Co-ordinator at Bield.
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In Renfrewshire, tenants at Houston Court received the new appliances.
The rollout is part of an ongoing drive to integrate energy efficient and sustainable measures across Bield’s operations and 5,000+ properties.
Tracey Howatt, director of Customer Experience at Bield said: “It’s very important to us that we make decisions which positively impact the environment whilst simultaneously putting the needs of our tenants at the heart of our operations.
“The rollout of these cooking appliances is just one of the proactive ways we are looking to raise awareness of energy and sustainability issues. We’re delighted to have been able to run this initiative and it’s only been possible thanks to the involvement and funding award from SFHA and a lot of hard work from Ken.
“We will continue to support our tenants in any way we can as we face soaring energy prices and the cost-of-living crisis.”

As part of the roll out, Bield also created a recipe book with six different meal suggestions that can be made in an air fryer/slow cooker.
The book was designed to help inspire tenants to make healthy food choices with their new equipment.
Bield’s commitment to sustainability is embedded into all its operations. The housing and care provider recently revealed it is working to reduce its carbon footprint by 90 per cent in a bid to combat the global environmental crisis.
Bield worked with electrical retailer AO to help deliver the air fryers and slow cookers to its tenants across Scotland.
Anthony Sant, Managing Director at AO Business added: “We are so pleased to have worked with Bield on this project and are excited to see the results. We all know that many essential appliances simply can’t be switched off at the plug to save energy, in the same way that we might do with game consoles or TVs when not in use.
“These slow cookers and air fryers will allow the recipients to make delicious, healthy meals at home, using less energy, and we’re thrilled to have been asked to play a part in making it happen.”
Bield is a registered charity dedicated to providing flexible housing solutions and support for older people. Bield Housing and Care has around 180 developments across Scotland, providing independent living for those over 50 years old around the country.
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