The leader of the Labour group in Renfrewshire has revealed his friend’s exit from the party has “hit home” – as he confirmed plans to reach out to his former colleague.
Iain McMillan said John Hood’s decision to resign after almost three decades of membership had saddened him but added that he wouldn’t like to see the pair’s camaraderie lost because of the situation.
Councillor Hood, a rep for Johnstone South and Elderslie, walked out of the party last month, telling the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS): “It’s come to light that senior members, not local, don’t want me in the party.”
He followed in the footsteps of former group leader Eddie Devine who quit in October after more than four decades.
However, unlike his predecessor’s departure, Councillor McMillan had not expected Councillor Hood to quit.
In the first part of a wide-ranging interview with the LDRS, Councillor McMillan said: “It was well known that Eddie was a bit disillusioned and he never played an active part in the Labour group.

“He never attended group meetings, so we never actually had him in the first place, if that makes sense, although he did support us at full council meetings and that was appreciated.
“The John Hood one is a sore one, particularly when nobody knows exactly what’s went on.
“I’m trying my best to dig deep to find out where these allegations came from, that he wasn’t wanted, and nobody knows what he’s talking about.
“In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been going to meetings in the community and the talk of the steamie has been, ‘Why’s John Hood left the Labour party?’
“Basically I’ve said, you really need to speak to John because I’ve got absolutely no idea.”
Councillor Hood, who was first elected in 2003, said it was a “heartbreaking” decision for him to make.
The former environment spokesperson said there were no issues with the party’s local leadership.
“Sad is exactly the word,” Councillor McMillan responded when asked how Councillor Hood’s resignation had affected him.
“John and I go back a long way. I first met John when I first became a councillor and John was involved in the Corseford tenants association and we hit it off right away.
“We support the same football team, we’ve got a very broad range in music taste. I wouldn’t like to think how many concerts we have been at together and we’ve been friends ever since.
“I was certainly looking forward to working with him for the next five years.
“It was a bit strange when I was at Elderslie community council and Corseford tenants association and both times they turned to me to ask if John had put in his apologies.
“I said, I couldn’t tell you, I don’t know. I had to explain the situation and felt a bit sad.
“Now the reality’s hit home that we won’t be working together at any particular time soon.
“I’m not saying there won’t be some form of working together, because I sometimes work with the SNP on various issues because they see the same issues as I do and it makes sense to work together to get things sorted.
“But it’s rather sad and obviously I will be reaching out to John hopefully before Christmas in terms of our friendship, rather than as a political colleague, because I wouldn’t like to see our friendship lost.
“It’s been quite important to me over the years.”
When contacted for a response, Councillor Hood said: “We have a really good friendship, I’ve nothing against Iain and the local party.
“It’s higher up. It’s one of the saddest decisions I ever had to make. I’ve been in the party near enough 30 years. I thought Iain was a good leader. He is a good councillor and I hope he does reach out.”
Scottish Labour was contacted for comment.
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