Renfrewshire Council are finally set to tackle a council flat tenant’s damp problems years after they first reported the issue.
Annemarie Devlin, who is pregnant and a mother of two, had reported the issue when she first moved into her Foxbar council flat seven years ago, now the council have agreed that the issue needs to be dealt with.
Earlier this month we reported how Annemarie first noticed the problem a few weeks after moving into the house in 2015 and reported it to Renfrewshire Council.
However, seven years later, she claimed the council has still not found a solution.
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Following our coverage, the council have been in constant dialogue with Ms Devlin about her issue and they have put plans in place to eradicate the mould that has invaded the home.
The council have agreed to go to the property on Wednesday, June 29, to meet with Ms Devlin about her issues and a plan has been put in place to deal with the problem long-term.
The council have started moving the insulation in the attic as it was causing cold spots on various ceilings, with a plan in place to tackle other rooms in the future.
Speaking about the property in Foxbar, a council spokesman said: “Our repair officer and specialist rot contractor have made several visits to Ms Devlin’s property in the past two weeks to carry out repairs.
“Our team has wiped down and treated all areas of mould in the property, except a large cupboard which requires wall insulation, with anti-fungal paint. The mould in the cupboard will be treated once our team has insulated its walls.
“All drainage issues in the property have also been checked and minor defects repaired. “
The statement went on to further say: “The build-up of mould in the property has been caused by condensation. Our contractor will fit new extractor fans in the kitchen and bathroom and an additional extractor in Ms Devlin’s home to help reduce condensation in the property.
“Our teams have given Ms Devlin advice on how to reduce the levels of humidity in her home and will continue to work with her until all repairs are complete.”
The mother of two, and soon-to-be three, spoke about in the past how this has affected her mental and physical health.

Now that the problem is being dealt with, Annemarie is feeling a lot better about the situation.
She told us: “I feel that I am in a better place now that the council has come out and spoken to me. After all these years of being ignored it is good to get the problem tackled.
“Although I am not fully happy about how the situation was handled and how I have been treated, I am just glad that the council has noticed how bad the problem is.
“They said that extractor fans in the house will help get rid of the mould and to leave my windows open too, to help the airflow.
“So hopefully this is the start of the end to my mould problems in the home.”
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