The past, present and future of Renfrew Boys’ Brigade was celebrated at the weekend with a party to mark the occasion.
A busy church service was held on Sunday at Renfrew North Church, attended by current members of the brigade and some from years gone by.
Renfrewshire’s politicians turned out to show their support for the organisation – which has been operating in the area for more than 130 years – with Provost Lorraine Cameron, fellow Renfrewshire councillors and MP Gavin Newlands also joining in the celebrations.
The special event was held to mark 135 years of history of the Boys’ Brigade in Renfrew, with the 1st Company reaching that incredible milestone.
This year is also the 75th anniversary of the 3rd Company and the 10th anniversary of the 1st/3rd Company.
The big day also saw a presentation to five young men who were awarded the Queen’s Badge during the service.
To earn the award, the young men had to undertake 30 hours service in the company plus 30 hours service in their community.
A spokesperson for the Boys’ Brigade said: “The ex-members present were proud to see the future of their old organisation looking ahead and in good hands too.
“One theme which emerged on that day was one of old friendships renewed and new friendships across the generations.
“Another theme which emerged was memories of fun and companionship in the activities they all took part in.”

During the service, the founding of a new organisation was announced.
The Friends of Renfrew Boys’ Brigade will be open to all former members, friends and supporters of the Boys’ Brigade in Renfrew.
Following the service the provost hosted a civic lunch which had background displays of memorabilia and photos from over the years which will be open to the public as part of Christian Aid week together with a café open on a daily basis this week.
And the fun doesn’t stop there; Renfrew Boys’ Brigade will hold its annual display on Friday followed by a barbecue for members and families on Saturday.

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