Remnant 2 has taken the gaming world by storm. In a soulslike fashion, Remnant 2 drops its variation of the genre with gun-based weapons rather than the tried-and-true sword or magic of Elden Ring. Procedural generation keeps every run of the game fresh, as even joining a coop world is an entirely different experience.
Even with the procedural generation, most will contain unchanging puzzles, items, bosses, etc. Endaira's End is no different but includes two wildly different experiences depending on the version of the dungeon you roll.
- Root Sniper: Root Zombies with guns, and slightly more brains. These guys will dodge shots, which makes using weaponry with travel time rather annoying. I suggest guns without such nonsense to get rid of these guys.
Labyrinth Variation
We'll cover the labyrinth version first. Upon completing the area, if you didn't encounter a waterfall at all, you have the labyrinth layout. You'll find a checkpoint near what appears to be the end of the dungeon. With a room and a ring inside called Endaira's Endless Loop. Once the wearer sprints for 2 seconds, the ring grants 1.5 health regeneration per second until the wearer stops sprinting.
Taking a step to the right will open two doors. One of them you can complete yourself, while the other will require a coop partner. Let's tackle the door ahead. Walk forward after the door opens completely and roll inside once you're underneath the door.

Rolling is essential for two reasons. Making sure you get inside before the door closes and dodging one-shot arrows that randomly fire from the other side of the room. The dungeon is always set up the same way, but rather than detail every turn the player needs to make, you should make your way to every room instead.

This area contains multiple items, including a mini-boss fight with an empowered Root Zombie that drops the Vampire Blade mutator. This mutator grants 10% increased melee damage while within 10m of a bleeding enemy. These items aren't all found on a single path, so take your time and explore this area.
Another essential item is the Krell Axe melee weapon. Charge to throw the Krell Axe which applies a stack of overloaded on hit, dealing 50 shock Damage every 5 seconds for 10 seconds. Shortly after throwing, another will appear in your hand. I can't help but feel this item was entirely inspired by God of War.
You'll know you've reached the end of the area once you come to a ladder. Grab the items in the room, then climb up. You'll be able to drop down onto the other side. Once you do, there's an illusionary wall here that you can walk through to obtain the Pulsing Heart relic (Pictured below). The relic pulses every 3 seconds, healing allies within 7 meters for 20 Health over 0.5 seconds per pulse. The effect lasts for 15 seconds. A terrific relic for coop, which, funnily enough, is what you'll need to complete the next puzzle of this area.

Returning to the pressure plate, one player will need to stand on it while the other heads outside the room and over a fallen pillar. There should be a red door there. When the player stands on the pressure plate, a wall next to the red door will open up. The other player must step inside and open the red door from the other side so both can enter.

Proceed further down and meet your match with a buzz saw puzzle. Towards the front of it is another pressure plate that a player will have to stand on. Walls to either side and one on the other end will open up.

Have the other player pick up the items on either side of the room, then switch. You can stand on the pressure plate while crouched or dodge side-to-side. Sitting crouched between the buzz saws worked best for me.
Once that's done, have the player not standing on the pressure plate head to the end of the hall. Once they're through, they'll find another pressure plate to stand on to let the other player through. Inside you'll find the Captain's Insignia. It grants increased revive speed and relic use rate by 25% per downed or dead ally for a max of 2 stacks.
It's unclear if this is in the Wind Chime version of Endaira's End, I was only able to see this in my play-through so far. With that being said, if you go back down the hallway from the checkpoint, you will see some statues embedded in the walls. Next to them will be holes. I found two holes in the ground by statues, one of them led me to some upgrade materials, and scrap.

The second statue hole to the unground leads to a dark and dingy library. Decrepit books surround the entire room, with a table placed on the lower floor. Five or so books lay on it for the player to read if they wish to learn more about the world of Yaesha. Heading to the upper floor, an obvious ladder stands out to the player's side.

What's not so obvious is the pressure plate lying next to the wall opposite the ladder. Standing on this will reveal a room behind the wall with what appears to be bulging red corrosion. Atrophy and Rot, the dual boss, lie in wait.
Boss: Atrophy and Rot

The first phase of this fight is easy enough. Atrophy will dash at you, slashing away with his scythes; evade them with accurate timing, and you'll be okay. After you deal a considerable amount of damage, he'll disappear into the floor.
Up comes Atrophy again, but he brought his coop partner this time. Rot will have a full health bar, but don't let that fool you. He's easily taken out, as his actual health pool is small compared to Atrophy during phase one. You'll need to dodge both this time, which is more accessible in coop if there's a player for each boss to aggro to. If not, I did it solo on my first try. You can do this!
Wind Chime Version

Either near the beginning of the zone or somewhere towards the middle, you'll be greeted with a large exterior tower standing lavishly over the terrain. With two stone areas to each side, figuring out exactly what you need to do immediately is problematic. The tower has some sort of wind coming through it, and every so often, there resides a symbol the player can stand on to create a note of sorts.

If you investigate a little bit more, you'll find a ledge to the right of this area that leads into a hole in the wall. Behind this hole is a room with a book before you, the pictographs making it all the clearer on how the symbols are used.

Following the diagram, head back to the tower. You have two puzzles they can solve. The first only requires yourself, and the second demands a coop partner.
Let's take care of the first one. If we pretend the bottom floor with the first symbol is the "first" note, we can assign symbols corresponding to floors. In total, five notes can be played. Let's start with the first puzzle.
The order is as follows:
- Third floor
- Second floor
- First floor
- Third floor
You'll gain the Wind Hollow Circlet, which is a ring that increases reload speed by 12%. This can be found on a pedestal that rose from the ground in the middle of a cement floor to the side. As I said, the second puzzle or solution requires a coop partner. In a game without voice chat, this wasn't easy with a random, but it's how I ended up doing it! Proving it's possible.
Each player must step on their corresponding note simultaneously as the other player steps on theirs. You'll need to be precise, so figure out some form of communication between you two first. Possibly join a party chat or Discord channel to achieve this. Make sure to let the full note play out.
Player One:
- Fifth floor
- Fourth floor
- Fourth floor
- First floor
Player 2:
- Second floor
- Third floor
- Second floor
- Third floor

If you've done it correctly, the wind tunnel will turn green. The second platform will rise from the ground and award you the ring called Tempest Conduit. It increases all damage dealt by 10% and resistance to the received element by 20 for 20 seconds after receiving any sort of elemental damage.
Later on in the area, you'll come across a waterfall coming from the top of the dungeon. Walk through the wall, and you'll discover it's illusionary. Inside is a small handful of enemies, as well as the Archer's Crest ring.
While not technically part of this secret, there’s a room with a waterfall hanging down from the ceiling within the Endaira’s End tileset. Walking against the wall and vaulting will let you into the room. Killing the enemies within, you can pick up the Archer’s Crest ring. This will gift you increased weapon projectile speed and decreased weapon charge time for select weapons. It increases projectile speed by 20% and decreases weapon charge time by 25%.
That wraps up Endaira's End in Remnant 2. Make sure to check out our other Remnant 2 guides if you're looking for a step up on conquering the worlds before you. More Yaesha guides to come.