Are you in need of some brand new outdoor gear but hoping not to take out a second mortgage in the process of getting kitted out for spring? REI is holding a massive spring sale for members, and you can save hundreds of dollars on outdoor gear from tents and sleeping pads to jackets and shoes.
If you're an REI member, you can save an exclusive 20% on one full-price item now through March 24. That might not sound like much, but if there's a big ticket item you've been holding out on, like the Fjallraven Kajka 35 backpack, you can make a healthy savings right now.
For an even deeper discount, you can also take 20% off any one REI outlet item. There are hundreds of stock items to choose from and many are already deeply discounted, meaning that once you apply your MEMBER2025 code at checkout, you could get yourself a brand new MSR Hubba Hubba tent at half price or a pair of world-class hiking shoes for under $100.
Deals like these are going to make hiking and camping through the spring all the sweeter. We've hunted through the eligible items and selected six of our favorites to get you started. The sale lasts through March 24, but some sizes and colors are selling out fast so we suggest you get a move on.
Not an REI Co-Op member? You don't have to miss out – just head over to REI's membership page and join today for a one-off payment of $30. Then you get an annual 10% back on all eligible purchases plus more membership benefits for life, such as exclusive sales like this one.
Our top picks for full-price items
As an REI Co-Op member, you can take 20% off any of the items below. If you want to keep browsing, check out the full list of eligible items here.
Our top picks for outlet items
The biggest savings are to be made in the REI's outlet, where you can add another 20% on top of the discounted price from some screaming deals. The prices below reflect what your total will be after you enter the code MEMBER2025 at checkout. Check out the entire catalog of eligible Outlet items here.