A landmark UN report, which will be released on Monday, will show that it's no longer enough to cut carbon emission if we want to save the world from the ravages of the climate change, news agency AFP reported. It stated that rather CO2 will need to be extracted out of the atmosphere and buried.
The human has been left behind. The report will clearly state that efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions should have been taken on war footing 20 years ago. An annual cut of 2 per cent out of 2030 would have put the world on the right path. Even though it would have been challenging, it would still be doable.
Contrary to that, the world saw 20 per cent jump in carbon emissions, which amounts for over 40 billion tonnes of CO2 in 2021.
To tackle the situation at this stage, around 6-7 per cent of annual drop is needed in meeting the Paris climate change agreement. This can only stop the world from meeting the target of capping global warming at below 2 degree Celsius as compared to the per-industrial levels.
The experts have attributed the shutdown of the global economy in 2020 due to Covid as a reason for seeing only 5.6 per cent cut in CO2 emission. Scientists predict that even in the case of aggressive carbon-cutting scenario, the world will need to extract several billion tonnes of Co2 from atmosphere. Right now, there's no such facility that could meet those goals. Even the biggest direct air capture facility can remove CO2 in a year what humans emit in 3-4 seconds.
India's climate change plan:-
At the COP26 summit in Glasgow in November, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had pledged to cut India’s total projected carbon emission by 1 billion tonnes by 2030, reduce the carbon intensity of the nation’s economy by less than 45 per cent by the end of the decade and have net-zero carbon emissions by 2070.
Last year, India emerged as one of the strongest voices on climate change when it pledged to take an array of steps in this direction. At the COP26, India had announced plans for switching to electricity and hydrogen fuels for transport under its five-point climate action plan. Prime minister Modi had also called for $1 trillion in finance from developed countries to help developing countries lessen the impact of climate change through mitigation and adaptation measures.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a UN body, had said that the global sea level rose by a factor of two - that is, 4.3mm per year - between 2013 and 2021, and the rate of rising is expected to jump further in the coming decade due to rising carbon emissions.