A Red Dead Redemption 2 modder is wreaking havoc on the Wild West with a mod that makes wagons and horses travel at ludicrous speeds.
In the hilarious video below, you can see the violent frenzy that erupts when you edit Red Dead Redemption 2's programming to make wagons and horses "travel at super sonic speeds." Horse-drawn carriages suddenly interrupt otherwise peaceful scenes by rocketing through busy streets and pitching all manner of wood, wheel, human, and most sadly, horse, into the air.
As modder Blurbs rightly says, "It's now a horror game."
I modded RDR2 so that all wagons and horses travel at super sonic speeds.It's now a horror game. pic.twitter.com/C4bCod8sckNovember 7, 2024
The wildest thing about this simulation, which is saying something, is seeing horses and wagons fitfully zip around the sky at high elevation, possibly a product of the gravity-defying momentum you'd presumably achieve moving at those speeds. In this version of Red Dead Redemption, nowhere's safe. Taking a stroll through town? WHAM! Horse bullet. Hiking up a hill? Wagon rocket to the dome. Chilling on your front patio? Not without a few human bodies wrapped around your pillars, y'know, for ambience.
Modder Blurbs is apparently something of a chaos agent, as he's the same modder who made every Red Dead Redemption 2 character obscenely drunk, even in cutscenes, which as you can imagine produced similarly anarchic results, if not quite so violent. Unfortunately, it appears neither mod is available publicly for the moment, so you'll just have to enjoy the madness from afar.