Intriguing photos snapped of the Red Arrows have left people baffled as they appear to show a UFO join the display.
John Mooner was at the Torbay Airshow near Paignton, Devon, last weekend when he spotted the object whizzing past at "at least 1,000mph" among the planes making up the country's most iconic air display.
Already a "ufologist" who has previously written a book about all thing unexplained, Mr Mooner had visited the show on the off chance of seeing any unusual craft in the sky.
And he was in luck - after spotting the object move at lightning pace dashing across the sky in broad daylight.
Mr Mooner managed to snap pictures of the black object, which he claims was the work of "non-human intelligence".

He told DevonLive he had been watching the planes in formation from Preston Sands beach and immediately began snapping away before he later noticed the strange black object between them.
"I was very excited to see the Red Arrows and I sat there in anticipation waiting patiently for their arrival," he said.
"Moments later I finally heard them approaching from behind and I looked up and saw them fly directly overhead.
"The main event had now begun and I was really determined to capture an anomalous object near them like I have captured many times in the past.
"I immediately started taking photographs while enjoying their colourful aerobatic display.
"They were in formation when suddenly without warning a black anomalous object shot right through the middle of their formation at terrific speed."
Mr Mooner added: "I could hardly believe what I was seeing, this object must have been going at least 1,000mph as it passed dangerously close to the Red Arrows as it shot off and disappeared from view.
"Fortunately, I had managed to capture this fast-moving anomalous object with my Nikon P900 camera which was set to burst mode.

"I had successfully captured an anomalous object near the Red Arrows once again like in previous years.
"These alien crafts are ever-present within our skies when will the British government come forward and admit to this alien presence?"
Mr Mooner said he believed the object was "a non-human-controlled probe", and he wasn't the only one to spot it, either.
Witness and photographer Emma Smith told local press she also spotted the object in her photos of the event.
"I zoomed in and couldn't quite believe what I was seeing.
"It was the shape of a spinning top and definitely was not a spec on my lens. I only have an iPhone but the zoom capacity is fairly decent.
"I'm just gutted that my 'live' photos were turned off so I can't see any movement of the object. I took a number of pictures in a burst but the object only appeared in one."
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “We ceased to investigate reports of UFO or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in 2009 and there is no change to that.”