A Hobart councillor is set to become the latest member of Australia's only Liberal government.
Former Tasmanian attorney-general Elise Archer resigned from parliament earlier this month amid accusations of workplace bullying and a messaging saga.
A recount to replace her in the seat of Clark began on Monday afternoon.
Hobart councillor and Liberal Simon Behrakis had an early lead with 41 per cent of the distribution ahead of Liberal Will Coats (26 per cent).
Tasmania's Liberal government has been in minority since May when two MPs quit to the cross bench, leaving the party with just 11 of 25 lower-house seats.
Ms Archer was the fifth Liberal to resign since the most recent state election in 2021.
She alleged she was threatened by Premier Jeremy Rockliff, who gave her a deadline to either quit or back his government as an independent.
Ms Archer had days earlier been sacked from cabinet by Mr Rockliff over messages he deemed inappropriate but took time to make a final call on her political future.
Ms Archer lodged a formal complaint against Mr Rockliff with the Director of Public Prosecutions but it was dismissed because there was no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
In one leaked message Ms Archer was critical of Mr Rockliff and in another said she was "sick" of abuse victims, something she claimed had been taken out of context.
She denied the bullying allegations and claimed she had not been afforded due process.