A RECORD spend is in the pipeline as Newcastle council approves a $140 million infrastructure program, the majority of which is set aside for capital works.
The cash splash is part of a $415 million budget and delivery program for 2024-25.
Holding up a laminated ascending bar chart at Tuesday's meeting, City of Newcastle lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes said there is a significant list of projects to be delivered.
"As you can see this chart depicts a significant uplift and increase in delivery throughout the city which is something I know I am very proud of achieving and I know a number of councillors that have been along this journey supporting the budget year in, year out are also really proud of," she said.
"We can celebrate this increase in infrastructure delivery because we've had a decade of really prudent and sensible financial decisions that allow us to not only deliver these record works programs but at the same time run modest operating surpluses.
"This will be a time in our history that will see us deliver more for our citizens and our visitors to Newcastle than ever before in the city's history."
The budget includes $38.1 million for upgrades to local roads, bridges, footpaths and community buildings, $7.7 million on storm water upgrades to address flooding to property and businesses and $6 million for improving Newcastle's cycleway network and transport options.
It includes a $21 million spend on the completion of the Newcastle Art Gallery expansion, $14.6 million on Summer Hill Waste Management Centre environmental protection, landfill and site management improvements and $6.5 million for the East End Public Domain Plan and Hunter Street Mall.
Gregson Park Playground will benefit from a share of $4.7 million set aside for recreation and sports improvements, while $1.1 million will be spent on renewable energy projects including climate action and EV charging stations.
Labor Cr Peta Winney-Baartz said many of the projects will have a positive benefit on the community for years to come.
"Work on our art gallery, Civic Theatre and our libraries and other community assets really shows the ratepayers of Newcastle that we are committed not only to being a financially sustainable, sound council, but one that does not cut services, and in fact, is continuing year on year to deliver a big capital works budget," she said.

The council will spend $1.55 million on resources and improvements for libraries, the Civic Theatre and City Hall.
More than 50 submissions were received during public exhibition, of which the council considered 85 per cent to be positive or constructive.
While the total spend is $140 million, the council expects $90.6 million to be set aside for capital works and $48.9 million for operational expenditure.
Newcastle council forecasts an operating surplus of $4.1 million at the end of the next financial year.
The budget is based on a 5.2 per cent rate rise in line with the peg set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
Labor deputy lord mayor Declan Clausen said he was pleased the budget was being considered alongside the making of the rate.
"It is appropriate that we're considering the budget alongside the making of the rate and a solid improvement in the way that this was done previously, where councils chose to vote for one and not the other, which led to this impossible situation," he said.
Cr Clausen said every ward, every suburb and every community across Newcastle would see benefits over the next financial year.