According to a spokesperson on Telegram, Syria's armed rebels are currently engaged in an operation to encircle the capital city of Damascus. The spokesperson, Hassan Abdulghani, representing the rebel coalition led by the Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) group, stated that the operation's 'final phase' to encircle Damascus has commenced. However, independent verification of this claim is pending.
In response to these reports, the Syrian military has refuted claims of their forces withdrawing from the Damascus region. They have labeled the reports of retreat as 'a false media campaign orchestrated by armed terrorist organizations.' The military asserts that such misinformation aims to instigate panic and fear among civilians residing in the Damascus countryside.
The situation in Syria remains complex and volatile, with conflicting narratives emerging from different factions involved in the conflict. The reported attempt by rebel forces to encircle Damascus underscores the ongoing challenges faced by the country and its civilian population.