Rebekah Vardy was today faced with brutal messages she wrote to her agent Caroline Watt over Danny Drinkwater's arrest for drink driving.
Coleen Rooney's barrister David Sherborne QC asked about messages Vardy sent to Watt on April 8 2019 about his former Leicester and England team mate Danny Drinkwater.
Vardy messaged: ``Story.....Danny Drinkwater arrested.''
Watt messaged back: ``For what?
Vardy then wrote: ``Crashed his car drunk with 2 girls in it. Both in hospital with 2 broken ribs. He has been only just let out of the cells. I want paying for this.''
Sherborne asked if she wanted paying for the leak.

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Vardy: ``It was a fleeting thought and I did not consider it any more after I wrote it.
``It was a fleeting, a fleeting comment, and something I probably considered at the time. And that was it.''
Vardy admitted she wanted the information in the public domain. "It was something terrible,'' she said.
"I'm deeply affected by drink driving. My ex-husband killed two people during our marriage.
"I didn't care if the information came out.''

Watt later messaged Vardy saying someone had already tipped the newspaper from the police station.
Vardy messaged back: ``F***.''
Sherborne asked if that was because she knew she would not now get paid for the information.
Vardy said she was not `angry' about missing out on the money but was `shocked' the newspaper already knew about it.
Sherborne asked why she then messaged Watt saying: ``I'm fuming I didn't give it to you earlier.''
Watt replied: ``Me too. That would have been a fortune.''
Vardy said it was `Caroline's sense of humour'.
She went on: ``I realise how badly they read and I apologise for how badly they read. But these are private conversations between friends who knew each other's sense of humour.''
Vardy admitted she wanted the information leaked but was not bothered about receiving any money for it. The message about cash was a `joke'.
In the message trail Watt then asked Vardy if she knew where Drinkwater lived so she could tip off a paparrazzi photographer.
Vardy replied by telling Watt the area Drinkwater lived in.
Sherborne said Vardy then messaged Watt saying: ``I've messaged him on Insta.''
Sherborne suggested she was trying to find out what Drinkwater's address was so she could pass it on to photographers so the newspaper would get exclusive photographs.
Vardy replied: ``No, that's not true.
``If I did message him, which I can't remember if I did, I would probably have told him he's a f****** idiot.''
Vardy admitted Drinkwater was one of her friends on Instagram.
She said she had wanted the information leaked `because of his behaviour.''
Coleen has accused Rebekah of leaking “false stories” about her private life in October 2019 after carrying out a months-long “sting operation” which saw her dubbed “Wagatha Christie”.
Mrs Vardy denies the allegations and has sued the fellow footballer’s wife for damages for libel over the “untrue and unjustified defamatory attack”.
The trial continues.