Coleen Rooney will tell her side of the Wagatha Christie court case in an explosive documentary, as rival Rebekah Vardy plots her TV revenge.
Streaming giant Disney+ confirmed yesterday that it had won the exclusive rights to work with Coleen, 36, and has given its three-part project the working title of Wagatha Christie.
Rebekah is said to be considering two offers to make her own documentary.
A friend of Rebekah’s friend: “The show will document her emotional turmoil both before, during and after her court case, which is ongoing to this day.”
They added that it won’t feature any footage surrounding the trial itself.

Her pal said: “Becky always refused to allow cameras to follow her during the libel case, unlike Coleen.”
The Mirror first broke the story last November that Coleen had signed a £1million deal with Lorton Entertainment for the series.
Lorton, which has now agreed the contract with Disney+, was previously responsible for the successful Amazon documentary Rooney, about Coleen’s husband Wayne.
Speaking of its coup, Disney+ said: “The three-part series will take viewers from the circumstances that led to Coleen’s infamous Instagram post that ‘broke the internet’ all the way to Coleen being a successful defendant in one of the UK’s highest profile High Court defamation cases brought against her by Rebekah Vardy.

“Wagatha Christie will reveal how fiercely determined and resilient Coleen had to be in order to protect her family from the challenges presented by traditional and social media landscapes.”
The show will also look at how Coleen has been in the spotlight for two decades, having begun dating footballer Wayne, 36, as a teenager.
Cameras shadowed her for May’s High Court trial but it had not then been decided where footage would appear.

A legal source close to Disney said the show is “not expected to spare Rebekah, after the judge found so comprehensively in Coleen’s favour”.
The source added: “Wayne and other members of Coleen’s family will be talking about the effects of Rebekah’s trading in Coleen’s private information had on them all.”
Coleen conducted her online sting operation in 2019, accusing Rebekah of leaking private stories about her to The Sun newspaper.
Rebekah always denied she passed on the information but in the High Court, Coleen effectively won the battle of the Wags. Mrs Justice Steyn wrote of Rebekah’s action: “The claim has been dismissed. The defendant succeeded in establishing that the essence of the libel was substantially true.”

The case was dubbed the Wagatha Christie trial because of the way Coleen put bogus stories on her private Instagram – only shared with Rebekah – to snare the leaker.
In her 76-page judgment, Mrs Justice Steyn said that Coleen had been “an honest and reliable witness’’. She added: “I find that it is, unfortunately, necessary to treat Mrs Vardy’s evidence with very considerable caution.”
Coleen’s documentary was announced at the Edinburgh TV Festival.
Sean Doyle, a director of unscripted content at Disney+, said: “Everything [we] do has to have an amazing story. And that’s why we are doing Coleen’s story. I suppose it is a bit surprising we are doing it but that is not a bad thing.”