As you explore Castle Dimitrescu as Rose Winters in Resident Evil Village’s new Shadows of Rose DLC, you will inevitably come through the Hall of Ablution. The Hall of Ablution was of course present in the main game, and there it had a statue puzzle for you to solve. Wouldn’t you know it, there’s yet another statue puzzle here this time, only it’s a little bit more morbid than before.
In the room are four representations of Rose’s potential death, and you need to activate the statues in the order indicated by the plaque on the wall near the rear of the room. If you just want to solve this puzzle quickly and easily, read through our instructions below.
For everything you need to get through Shadows of Rose, take a look at our full Castle Dimitrescu walkthrough.
How to solve the Hall of Ablution statue puzzle – Shadows of Rose

The big clue to solving this puzzle is found on the rear wall. The plaque there reads as follows:
“Although I have just drowned, the arrows’ bite doth sting.
They hanged me long ago, yet I feel everything.
But still the worst, not last nor first, the sharpened blade did ring.”
You can tell that this is a hint as to the order you’re supposed to activate each of the statues in the room, but if you’re not observant you won’t solve it quickly.
Hall of Ablution statue puzzle solution – Shadows of Rose

If you’re tired of trying to figure out the puzzle, here’s the answers:
- From the entrance to the room, activate the near right statue – the hanged statue.
- Next, the far left statue – the sword statue.
- Next, the near left statue – the drowned statue.
- Finally, the far right statue – the arrows statue.
This will open up a passageway in the center of the room, allowing you to continue.

Written by Dave Aubrey on behalf of GLHF.