The percentage of BA.2 Omicron variant cases in the capital has increased, an ACT Health report has revealed.
ACT Health published the expanded data in an update for the week ending April 3.
Since January 1, 2022 the BA.2 Omicron variant has made up 88 per cent (up from 86 per cent the previous report) of sequenced cases. ACT Heath conducts genome sequencing on 3 per cent of positive PCR results.
The Delta variant has not been detected in any sequenced samples this year.
Of 42 deaths included in ACT Health data to April 3, 15 were unvaccinated, three had received a single dose of the vaccine, 19 had two doses and four were boostered. The status of the remaining person is unknown.
Hospitalisations decreased in the week to Sunday with 20 new hospital admissions compared with 24 previously.
There were no new admissions to the ICU in this period, compared with two last week. This had initially been recorded as zero due to a data lag.
Of the 50 ICU admissions since January 1, 12 people had received three doses of the vaccine, 23 had received two doses of the vaccine, two had received a single dose of vaccine, 12 were unvaccinated and the vaccination status for the remaining person was unknown.
The largest share of new cases since December 15, 2021 continue to reside in Belconnen (13,813), closely followed by Gungahlin (13,271) and Tuggeranong (11,879).
Based on PCR tests only, the positivity mean decreased slightly this week to 17-18 per cent compared with 18-20 per cent last week.
Meanwhile, the death of a man in his 80s with COVID-19 brought the total number of lives lost in the territory since the pandemic began to 44.
The ACT recorded 1200 new cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm on Thursday. The total number of active cases in the territory has now reached 5824.
It follows two days of case numbers above 1000, with hospitalisations increasing from midweek.
There were 55 people in Canberra hospitals with coronavirus in to 24 hours to 8pm Thursday, including three people in intensive care and two people requiring ventilation.