Indian film actor Ranveer Singh is known for his eclectic sense of style and he leaves no opportunity to make a statement with his clothes. Well, the charming actor did the same at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's grand Gol Dhana and ring ceremony on Thursday evening. He stepped into the glorious Antilia looking suave as usual with his beautiful wife, Deepika Padukone who stole the show in a red sari, but no prizes for guessing that Ranveer's OOTD also made quite some noise.
Ranveer dressed to kill in a black sherwani. He wore the mosaic sherwani by designer duo Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna. The sherwani set was fully inlayed with metallic embroidery and highlighted with metallic crystals. The contrast embroidery of the ensemble gave it a unique look. It featured all over diamond boxes and motifs emroidered with metallic thread and highlighted with metallic beads and crystals.
The set comes in three components - the kurta, the churidar and the sherwani jacket and it sure looked dashing on the actor. Now, coming to the price of the ensemble. The made in India sherwani set costs INR 245,000.
Deepika stunned in the Sindoori Taashi sari by Torani. The saari features embroidery in succha doriya waraq and hand embellished sitaras in gold. According to the label, this drape was created in an effort to revive and relive the past through the current times - A nod to classic zardoz embroidery layered with doriya and sitara.
Ranveer accessorised the look with black leather shoes. We loved the duo’s latest look, tell us how did you like it in the comment section below.