A few weeks after Destiny 2 released, I tried to get a handle on what were the best exotic weapons at the time. But the game has changed since then. It’s changed a lot. Not only have more exotics been added across two expansions, Curse of Osiris and Warmind, but Bungie has gone in and drastically changed a number of existing exotics to be more powerful and unique.
The result? My old list is now total trash, and I have to make a new one. A lot of this is going to be personal preference, but I also recognize that there are now some universally recognized, stupidly powerful exotics out there. And that’s great. Some disclaimers, this list may have to be updated when new exotics are found (Polaris Lance), or when I play more with ones I haven’t yet (Fighting Lion, Rat King).
Here are the new ten best exotics in Destiny 2, in the era of Warmind:
10. Prometheus Lens
Don’t look now, but this thing is a total monster in PvE, between burning through trash mobs with auto-reload and sizzling threw yellow bar enemies. It’s unlike any other gun out there other than its mirror, Coldheart, and the recent changes increased its burn and precision damage. Don’t overlook it.
9. Vigilance Wing
You’ll notice that my old number one on the list, Merciless, isn’t even in the top ten anymore. I may have been hasty to list it that high in the first place, but my number two, Vigilance Wing, is still a favorite. With a new pulse rifle buff it is seriously strong, and though it didn’t have any super crazy changes with the exotic rework, it’s still a solid choice.
8. Sunshot
This was always a good pick for clearing trash mobs, and now with even bigger and badder explosions, it’s even better and doing that. It’s no Graviton Lance (more on that later), but it’s still a great hand cannon. The problem now is whether it’s worth a slot over these others.
7. Tractor Cannon
This went from mostly being a meme where you can boop people off cliffs to being able to do that and be very useful. This thing annihilates trash mobs up close, but its new ability, making enemies 50% more vulnerable to void damage, is huge for boss burning when used in conjunction with void-based supers and abilities. It’s like a pocket Hunter tether with how much it will amplify your damage. I’ve been having great fun with it on my Voidlock.
6. Riskrunner
Riskrunner is somewhat situational, given that it’s only god-tier when it’s charged up by arc damage, but dear lord, when it is charged? This thing is an unholy terror. It will dramatically reduce further arc damage and absolutely light up everything else with chain lightning. So, so much fun.
5. Sleeper Simulant
The big boy is back thanks to a new exotic quest that everyone will run into during Warmind. It hits like a Rasputin-designed truck, and is definitely worth the time it takes to get it. Once it gets additional ammo reserves, it may move up even further on this list.
4. Skyburner’s Oath
A relatively boring exotic before is now a Cabal-slaying machine. It’s one of the ones that truly feels exotic now with its alt-fire explosive damage and its beastly precision damage. This thing is wicked strong now, feels great to fire and it should be your solar damage weapon of choice in most situations.
3. Graviton Lance
Other than the original draft of Fighting Lion, Graviton Lance was easily the worst exotic weapon in Destiny 2. Now? It’s one of the best. Not only does the thing feel much better to fire with its two-round burst, but the explosive “shrieker” void blasts it creates on enemy death can take down an entire room of bad guys before you can blink. Bungie thought it was actually too strong in testing, but released it anyway. Great idea.
What the hell? DARCI?? Yes, again, another barely used exotic is now god-tier because this thing is an absolute DPS monster. I’m talking almost Gjallarhorn levels of power, as once you lock on you can get a ridiculous damage boost and multiple precision shots to a boss will shred it. Get a team of these and goodbye, well, everything. The only reason it’s not higher is because I feel like the next gun is more useful in more situations.
1. Crimson
Curse of Osiris produced one good thing after all. Crimson was fine before, but it’s just exquisite now. The best thing Bungie did for it was create additional ammo reserves so it doesn’t burn through all your bullets in about three reloads every time. But past that, this blows through PvE mobs with auto-reload on headshot with precision damage and rate of fire buffs, and with a PvP damage boost it’s now my favorite primary in that mode as well. I’ve had three of these drop since Warmind launch, but I’m not mad as I’m using it on all my characters. I love it that much.
Again, these are my ten, and I haven’t used everything yet (and some exotics have yet to be found, at the time of this writing). But I’d say you can use any of these and still have a great time. I think the exotic rework is the best part of Destiny 2’s Warmind expansion/update, and if you start playing again, be sure to grab one of these guns.
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