Hannah Montana
Prime Video’s new Aussie original series,
Class of ‘07.
Starring Emily Browning, Caitlin Stasey and Megan Smart, it’s about a group of old schoolmates who face an apocalyptic tidal wave at their 10-year reunion and are forced to survive together at their old high school campus. Naturally, they’re also forced to confront the old hierarchies and dynamics that existed between the gang from back in their old school days.
Delicious in theory, but chugging one of these before PE on a hot day was never a good idea. Adults who still drink chocolate milk or hot chocolates kind of give me the ick too, sorry.
Basic!! Sorry. The little white bags that these were sold in were adorable, and the 30-cent price point is crazy to think about in this economy, but we can do better people.
I have not seen one of these in YEARS. Remember when milo was marketed as a health food to kids in the 2000s? Crazy times. You always copped a little stain on your uniform after eating one of these — they were delicious, yet dangerous.
RIP. A simply iconic Aussie food staple. I think the PEDESTRIAN.TV staff collectively went into mourning mode the day these bad bois were discontinued. Nothing quenched your thirst quite like one of these things. Raspberry over orange any day, too.
A God-tier food if there ever was one. The noodles and the chicken salt flavouring make these a balanced meal and no one can convince me otherwise. Licking the flavouring off a bag of these was a cheeky little treat too.
An underrated and forgotten classic. I would do heinous things to crunch on one of these bad boys just one more time. RIP to a fallen soldier, you really held the fort for a few years there.
une into
Class of ‘07
from March 17th on Prime Video. Start your free 30-day trial now.
dropped, was on TV 24/7 and the Kevin/07 campaign was in full swing.
Life was simple, and the height of culinary excellence was a meat pie smothered in cold tommy-sauce from the school canteen.
I fear kids these days will never know the wonders of an OG school canteen. I peeped my younger cousin’s canteen menu recently and it was flogging $21 quinoa salads and $8 ginger wellness shots. Insanity.
Anywho, I simply for the glory days of 2007 — which is why I flipped my lid when I heard about
So, in the spirit of nostalgia, here’s an official ranking of the best school canteen snacks you would’ve gobbled up as a kiddy.
What can be said about our pastry-wrapped friends that hasn’t been proclaimed before? A dietary staple.
Although your tongue was likely burnt into oblivion by one of these, there’s no denying how blood delish they were. I know the meat was unidentifiable but my God, did it matter? Truly stunning.
If you’re feeling sentimental as hell and wish to be swept up in a wave of high school nostalgia, you can t
8. Choccy Milk

7. Red Frogs

6. Milo Ice Cream Cup

5. Sunnyboys

4. Mamee Noodles

3. Pies/Sausage Rolls

2. Pizza Roundas

1. JJ’s

The post Ranking All The Iconic Canteen Snacks You Could Cop For $2 Before Inflation Ruined Everything appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .