The complaints section of the Hotline once again centred around VAR controversy with one fan accusing Celtic of fuelling a sense of injustice as a deflection tactic.
Record Sport columnist Chris Sutton was also getting it in the neck. Stevie Jackson, Barrhead, emailed: “All this fuss over VAR decisions going against Celtic is a smokescreen created by their fans. They know they were lucky to get away from Ibrox with a draw as they would have been well beaten if Alfredo Morelos and Malik Tillman had their shooting boots on. The final score should have been at least 4-1 for Rangers and they have been struggling to score in their recent games. So forget VAR, they should wake up and smell the coffee because big bad Rangers are coming for you and we can smell your fear.”
Jim Maxwell, Perth, Western Australia, emailed: “Connor Goldson’s arms were up before the ball was struck so there’s no doubt it was a penalty, Celtic will only get these decisions when the league is over and, then we will get the usual line about these things evening themselves out.” Harry Fitzpatrick, Ontario, Canada, emailed: “Hotline caller Ken Hutton asked. 'When are Celtic fans going to stop whining about Goldson's handball?' He doesn’t mention the recent one against Dundee Utd when the ball was nowhere near his face but hand still touches the ball.
“Maybe it’s my paranoia kicking in again in the same way I was with the Jorge Cadette scandal, etc, etc. Where is Fergus McCann when we need him?”
Jim Mackenzie, East Kilbride , emailed: “Chris Sutton said the Goldson incident, when the ball hit his hand in front of his face, was a penalty. This is despite him being on a video clip when referee explained this very scenario, stating it would not be a penalty. “This was when the rule was introduced.or have you blocked that from your memory or is it selective amnesia.”
Frank McKinlay, Cumbernauld, phoned in, saying: “I had to laugh at Hotline caller Rab Hunter’s claim that he doesn’t support any of Glasgow clubs. He then goes out his way to insult and put down Postecoglou and the Celtic support. At least the other callers are man enough to admit who they support.”
Jimmy Mac, Glasgow, said: "The problem with the Rangers board and Ross Wilson is that they want Bosman signings, free signings and to pay as little as possible with bargain basement poor quality signings.” Douglas Park and his board need to pay back to the most loyal supporters in Scotland who pay hand over fist all year round.
“We are sick of you allowing Celtic to walk away with title after title. Rangers is not their personal empire and never will be, it belongs to the supporters, always has and always will, the same applies to every club everywhere.”

Eddie Easson, Ballingry, “Ange Postecoglou is the boss at Celtic of everything ,including transfers. He doesn’t get too close to the players as there is a good chance they will move move on. You can bet your bottom dollar that he isn’t on first names terms with players. Unlike Michael Beale who likes nothing better than to try and show how close he is to his players by constantly using their first names in the press.This will come back and bite him.”
Jimmy Stangers, Tranent, emailed: "I think it’s time for Bud Hay to choose his words more carefully when he contacts the Hotline. “He always inserts the words ‘more chance of going to the moon’ or ‘choked on his cornflakes’ in every comment. It’s time to change the record.”
Peter McBryan, said: “It appears that Kyle Lafferty is glad that his 10 game ban is over and he’s raring to go up against Celtic at Hampden. There’s not even an utterance of remorse for putting himself in this so-called, “torture’. Racism and sectarianism are both disgusting but this guy doesn’t seem to think so and feels it can be laughed off by doing star jumps outside his manager’s office.”
Alan Lough, Dunbar, said: “Gareth Bale gave us some great moments in his career but the best one of all was scoring the greatest goal in Champions League history against Liverpool. That goal sits right at the top of the pile in the greatest club competition of them all.”