A randy peacock is currently causing havoc in a village as it is pecking shiny cars because it thinks its reflection is a love rival.
The male bird called Pete has been compared to Irish UFC fighter Conor McGregor because of his violent streak.
He has been making residents' lives hell for six years with his aggressive behaviour.
Pete goes around and head-butts cars, breaks into homes and leaves poop everywhere in the village called Seaton, near Hull, East Yorks.
Andi Ramsden a dad-of-three has said: "It's been in the village for six years harassing people.
"It sees its reflection and starts head-butting itself, it jumps at its reflection with its feet, it wakes my kids up, it's constantly squawking at midnight, it's just an absolute menace.

"There's bird poop everywhere. I leave my conservatory door open so my little cat can come in and out.
"It comes in and attacks the cat, leaves poop on the floor in the conservatory and you don't want your kids touching that. It poops all over the cars.
"In my village, there's a lot of old people and they have disability cars so they're not really that bothered.
"But I've got a £12,000 BMW and an £18,000 Audi and it's just attacking them. It head-butts them until its head bleeds. It's crazy, it's a nutter.

"It's like Conor McGregor. It cries out at all times of the day, waking people. I go to work at 4.30am and its doing it then. You'd think I'd be up earlier than that but I'm not.
"When it's pecking at your car doors, it pecks the paint off and all it takes is for moisture to get underneath it and the whole door needs respraying.
"It's done the wing, the door, the back of the car."
Despite being moved to a nearby farm along with mate Philomena Pete keeps returning to the village.

Nick Rollinson said: "Pete came home alone and has been searching for a mate ever since. You can tell when he feels a bit randy because all his plumage is up.
"He has a go at the newest and shiniest cars. He pecks and spits and usually ends up banging his head into the bodywork.
"Most of the time the scratches will polish out but you can be talking about hundreds of pounds of damage if he's really gone bonkers."
Parish council chairman David Atkinson said: "It's mating season so he's desperate for love."