IN the wake of a horror jet ski hit and run and a heroic effort that saw a young man saved from drowning at Merewether Beach, Newcastle Liberal Cr Jenny Barrie is calling for change.
The Ward 2 councillor is urging residents to join her at a rally this weekend to talk about beach safety initiatives and after-hours equipment that could save a life.
Ms Barrie said the "abhorrent accident" that saw Don McLachlan cut from his armpit to his shoulder and left to swim himself back to shore at Dixon Park Beach on Saturday "should never have happened".
"This senseless and dangerous hit and run accident should never have happened on our precious coastline, where safety and the beach culture is a way of life for thousands of residents who are blessed to live close to the southern beaches of Merewether, Dixon Park and Bar beaches," she said.
"The safety of swimmers, especially all year-round swimmers like Don, should never be in jeopardy.
"I am holding a public rally in front of Dixon Park Surf Club on Saturday at 11am to discuss with local beach users who swim, surf, and love the beaches to work on strategies to keep everyone safe all year round."

On Wednesday, the Newcastle Herald reported that Woolongong theatre nurse Lisa Whitbourn had been awarded an Australian Bravery Decoration for her rescue of an 18-year-old man at Merewether Beach on Christmas Day, 2022.
Ms Whitbourn struggled to keep the man afloat after he was caught in a dangerous rip, and with no lifeguards around or safety equipment available, she had to rely on the help of other members of the public, including local Paul Kish.
In the summer of 2022-23, 90 people drowned across Australia, 25 per cent of those drownings took place between Christmas Day and January 2.
Cr Barrie is advocating for an after-hours lifeguard service in the summer holidays and for rescue tubes to be left on the city's beaches for situations like Ms Whitbourn's or Mr McLachlan's.
"When it comes to saving lives in our water, especially our retired folk, we should all take to the streets and work together on implementing strategies to save lives and protect the children who also need to feel safe with families who love to swim together without fear of dangerous jet skis," she said.
Cr Barrie said she has invited the presidents of Cooks Hill, Merewether and Dixon Park Beach along to the rally on Saturday.
"So it's not just from a councillor's point of view, but it's a whole of community approach, and then I can go back to the Hunter Surf Life Saving branch and ask for a meeting with the council to discuss this further," she said.
"I'm taking a risk here but I want to do something, I want to do something on behalf of Lisa, Paul Kish, Don and many people."
The rally is open for anyone to attend.