Actor Rajinikanth and his son-in-law Dhanush are chilling together this festive season and a picture shared by Dhanush on Twitter has gone viral. In the picture, the two are wearing Christmas-themed sweaters featuring Santa Claus and the Christmas tree; in the background is a white tree that is beautifully lit.
Fans have been sharing the picture and also commenting on it. One fan wrote, “Father in law & Son in law bonding in US-a? #SuperStar #Rajini started acting in many movies now, hope he will do a movie with #Dhanush,a powerful cameo on SuperStar’s film will be a dream.. Kalai, Dinesh, Sasikumar, VJS, BobbySimha are all acted with him, D shld get a chance.” While another wrote, “I woke up seeing this... You made my day Anna. Happy to see you like this #StayBlessedAlways.”
Happy holidays 🎉🎉🎉🎉 🌟 🌟 🌟 🎅 🎅 🎅 #familytime
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) December 26, 2018
Rajinikanth and Dhanush have previously worked together as producer and actor for Kaala, which was bankrolled by Wunderbar Films. However, the two are yet to share screen space in a film. Dhanush’s recent film Maari 2, in fact, dubs Rajini’s style in the film - from flipping cigarettes to delivering punch lines - the style is very similar to that of Rajini.
On the work front, Dhanush’s Maari 2 is running successfully in theatres, while Rajini is looking forward to the release of his upcoming movie Petta on Pongal 2018. The film directed by Karthik Subbaraj will also star Simran, Trisha, Nawazudding Siddiqui, Bobby Simha, Sasikumar and Vijay Sethupathi in pivotal roles.
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First Published: Dec 27, 2018 14:14 IST