The second season of Year 9 for Rainbow Six Siege is titled as Operation New Blood. One feature is that it's going to address two dominant Defenders. In particular there's going to be balance updates for Fenrir and Solis.
Emil "Fenrir"" Svensson is a defending operator that was featured in the Operation Dread Factor expansion for Rainbow Six Siege. His unique gadget is the F-NATT Dread Mine. This is a throwable device which sticks to walls. He joins the fight equipped with five mines and can activate three of them at a time.
Reduced Mines
With Operation New Blood, he now only has four of these mines with two activation codes to deploy amongst them. In addition, the mine are no longer bulletproof, regardless of the state. What this means is that fewer mins can be active at one time and makes it easier for Attackers to remove. While this initially appears to weaken Fenrir, the good news is that when a mine is destroyed, he's refunded the code instead of losing it. This should allow him to more easily use the full complement of the mines.
Another change is that Fenrir's barbed wire option is replaced with the observation blocker.
Mark the Enemy
Ana Valentina "Solis" Díaz meanwhile is a defending operator featured in the Operation Solar Raid expansion. Her unique gadget is the SPEC-IO Electro Sensor. This gadget can mark and ping the devices of the opponents.
A Breathing Room
For Operation New Blood, her gadget is no longer usable during the prep phase. This should give droning Attackers a bit of a breathing room. In addition, once the fight begins, the gadget is going to have a reduced duration of 10 seconds along with a reduced range of 12 meters. That's not all since it now needs to be fully recharged before each activation.
Another change is her Impact Grenade option which is being replaced with barbed wire. By the way, it's going to cost Attackers about 5HP per second to move through barbed wire.
What do you think of these changes? Operation New Blood also introduces new Operators which you can read more about here.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is an online tactical shooter video game launched in 2015 and made available for the PC, PlayStation 4, and the Xbox One. In 2020, it was released for the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X/S.