A hairdresser terrified staff after dousing a Glasgow pub in petrol when he was kicked out by the landlord.
Daniel Cantley was told to leave the Lea Rig, in Alexandra Parade after being verbally abusive. The 40-year-old, from Dennistoun, made threats and returned 20 minutes later with a petrol can before scattering it.
Cantley pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner as well as culpable and reckless conduct. The court heard that he initially started drinking at the pub from 11am in August 2020.
Later that day, a member of bar staff noticed that Cantley and another man were not adhering to the coronavirus regulations. A member of staff challenged Cantley on a number of occasions before he called her a "cow" and a "stupid wee lassy."
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He was asked to leave and he went on to act aggressively. He stated: "This is f***ing out of order, shove your f***ing pub up your a**e."
Cantley made threats as he walked away from the premises. Around 20 minutes later, a member of staff noticed that Cantley had returned to shout further abuse.
The staff member ran back inside in fear of what Cantley would do and locked the door. The fiscal depute said: "Cantley shouted that he had a petrol can and he was going to show them.

"He went out of sight for a moment and returned holding a green petrol can. He began to pour petrol over the door to the premises."
Staff pressed a panic alarm but Cantley had fled the scene before officers arrived. Police initially tried to trace Cantley at his place of work but he eventually handed himself in.
Douglas McAllister, defending, told the court that Cantley is a part-time hairdresser. The lawyer added: "He understands how serious this is.
"His behaviour was stupid and utterly unacceptable."
Sheriff Patricia Pryce ordered Cantley to do 225 hours of unpaid work and put him under supervision for 12 months. She said: "I would like you to place yourself in the position of the employees in that pub.
"Being an employee and being at work and someone doing that to you - imagine how bad it could be. The only reason you are not going to prison today is that you have managed to turn your life around.
"You have to realise how abhorrent your behaviour was."
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