Allow us to introduce you to Tricky Ricky, the cheeky bastard who keeps sneaking past the producers of Will McMahon and Woody Whitelaw‘s radio show Will & Woody to trick the boys. How good is a genuinely wholesome prank?
It all began when a man called Rick called in to the radio show after the dynamic duo asked listeners to share embarrassing “first day blunders”.
However, when Rick finally made it onto the show, it wasn’t a blunder he shared.
“I just made up a story because I wanted to get through and say hey, boys, how you going?” he admitted.
Obviously, the Will and Woody lost it at the sheer cheek of it all.
“You told the producers a porky pie to get on air with us and say G’day?” Woody asked gleefully.
“Absolute rubbish!” Ricky confirmed. “I just want to say boys, I hope everybody’s well and RICKY BOYS BACK!”
Obviously such naughtiness can only be encouraged, so the boys promised Rick that if he kept bamboozling the producers and sneaking his way onto the show, they’d give him a prize. He did NOT disappoint.
In a later segment, Will welcomed a caller named “Jared” to the show, who he asked for an opinion on whatever they were talking about that day.
“Hey boys, I think it’s disgusting,” the alleged Jared said.
“But you know what I find more disgusting? IT’S RICK!!!!!!!!!”
Yep, Rick struck again, chaos ensued, and the nickname “Tricky Ricky” was born. As was the term “We’ve been Ricked!”
As it turned out, Rick had asked a random stranger on the street (“Tracey, a lovely lady”) if he could borrow her phone, and then faked being someone else until he was allowed on air.
Now that’s what I call a Rickroll.
The boys tried to prank Rick back in another video, but somehow he beat them at their own game. The gaslighting coming out of him? Professional quality. Peep it below:
TikTok users from all over the world have been begging for Rick updates in the comments, so it looks like this agent of chaos has gone global.
“I need to see every tricky Ricky instance that has occurred. We need a compilation,” one user wrote.
“I’m not an Aussie, I’ve never heard of Will & Woody outside of the Rick thing but I’m invested now,” wrote another.
One TikToker said they had been following along from the UK, and another from Idaho in the US.
Australia’s pride and joy.
Image: TikTok / @willandwoody
The post Radio Duo Will & Woody Are Being Incessantly Trolled By An Agent Of Chaos Called Rick appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .