The TV presenter and radio host lives in London with her economist husband David and their two daughters.
What is the first thing you do the second you walk through your door?
I take off my shoes, for no other reason than when I was a little girl, my late mum always wanted us to take off our shoes. It’s a habit that was instilled in me. In the winter, I like slippers. In the summer, I like walking barefoot everywhere.
Where’s your happy place at home?
The kitchen. We’ve got a small Victorian terrace house with a tiny, weeny kitchen with a table against the wall that fits four people around it. I've still got both my girls at home because my elder daughter has finished uni and now works but obviously can't afford rent because it's so high. I’m really pleased and may she never be able to afford rent because I love that she's home.
What's your homeware addiction?
I don’t. I don't over buy. It’s important for the planet and obviously for our purses.

What’s your favourite homeware store?
I just got some new white towels from John Lewis. I don't need a certain thread of sheets but I like a nice, soft pillowcase. For my daughter’s last birthday, she asked for silk pillowcases, which we got from M&S, and then I asked for some for Christmas!
What’s your home pet peeve?
Our oven and grill knobs ping off. You'll be turning, twisting it, and they'll end up bounding around the kitchen. It’s now turned into a comedy thing. We’ve been in our house for 19 years and need to get a new oven and integral grill but they’re expensive and it still works so what’s the point?

What chore do you love doing?
I do a show called Shop Smart, Save Money, and we tested out spinning mops. The Tower [Duo Compact Spin] mop was the winner. Now, I love mopping because you spin it and the dirty water is separate from the clean water. It’s fantastic.
…and what chore do you hate doing?
Ironing. I won't iron. I steam everything.
Are you a good host?
I love having people around. My parents always did as well. I’m a feeder. I love nibbles and I'm mad about pickles. If you open our fridge, there are loads of different pickles. I don't cook puddings - I don’t like them - but I love cooking anything savoury. When I went on Celebrity Bake Off, my husband thought that meant I was always going to make lots of cakes. I did for the show, and that's it!
What’s your favourite time of the day at home?
Very early morning. This morning I was doing my Magic Radio show, so I was up at 3.30am. I absolutely love it. It's my time. Even when I had the babies and they were little, there's something really lovely about that time of day. It's peaceful and I have the radio on very low level so I don't wake up the household.
What's on your bedside table?
Books. I'm reading Matt Haig's The Life Impossible. Absolutely brilliant! I've got another book next to my bed called Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.
There’s some reading glasses, because I need them - I'm loud and proud about that - some Carmex lip balm because I hate having dry lips and an old-fashioned digital clock with neon digits. I love bright colours everywhere. My phone is by the bed with the ringer on in case of emergencies. I got the phone call at 4.30am when Zoe [Ball] wasn’t well. They said, ‘Can you come in?’ I managed to get into the BBC studio, make-up on and everything done - with 55 minutes before going on air.
Do you have a bad home habit you’d like to quit?
I don't drink coffee but the coffee grinds always seem to be on the side and in the sink. One time my husband threw the coffee grinds in the sink and I said, ‘Look at this pattern!’. It’s a peeve but it makes me laugh, because I see things in them, like a face or an animal.
What smell says ‘home’ to you?
My babies. Even though they're grown ups, they're still my babies. If I hug them, that's home.
Do you have any routines at home?
I have a bath every single night. I don't drink, but when I did, even if I got in at 4am, I'd have a bath. I put in some BetterYou magnesium flakes and soak. I film away from home, doing Morning Live in Manchester for the BBC and Shop Smart for Channel Five, so I stay in hotels every week. When I check in, I always say,’ Do you have a bath?’. When they say ‘There’s a shower’, you should see my face!

What do you miss most about your home when you’re away?
The family! We're very family-orientated, very home bird.
Do you try your hand at DIY?
Yes, in lockdown I filled some cracks - that was quite satisfying - and I painted the downstairs floor white.
What do you do when you’re home alone?
Watching television. Not only is it my job, it’s my hobby. I was brought up on television and I’ve never missed an episode of EastEnders. If I get a sneaky, sneaky time to myself, last Saturday afternoon, I sat down and I watched a film, and so I will, I love all of that. I love theater, I love films. I love television. I love radio. Is always on in our house.
In the hot seat
- Shoes on or off? Off.
- Eat at table or laps? Table. With the family.
- Lighting - bright or moody? Lamps. My husband goes in, turns all the lights on. I go in and turn all the lights off.
- Quick shower or long bath? Bath.
- Colourful or neutral? Our sitting room is white walls and pale furniture but I've got neon orange cushions on the sofas.
- Neat or creative chaos? Our house is not very neat and tidy and I’m not anal about that because my mum was.
- Music, radio, TV or quiet? The radio’s on, always. I grew up in a house that always had the radio on. My dad worked on Radio 4 as a news reader. I've always listened to Radio 2. I work on it and listen to it as well!
Gaby’s book Spread The Joy: Simple practical ways to make your everyday life brighter is out now. Catch up on episodes of Shop Smaret, save Money on Channel 5.