Rad Power Bikes, a Seattle-based electric bike manufacturer, is popular all across the US thanks to its practical and affordable electric bicycles. Among its popular models include the RadCity 5, a practical urban commuter with built-in cargo carrying capabilities, as well as the RadRunner 3, a rugged and capable utility bike that can pretty much go anywhere.
As part of the brand’s commitment to providing safe and dependable electric bicycles, it has announced that all of its bikes, as well as the batteries found in them, will be compliant to UL standards. As we discussed in a previous article, New York City in particular, had mandated that all electric bikes in the city must be compliant to UL standards. For reference, UL, or Underwriter Laboratories, is one of the oldest third-party safety certification authorities in operation. In the case of e-bikes and lithium-ion batteries, the safety issue here is fire prevention.

You’re probably well aware of the growing concern e-bike fires have been posing to dense urban cities. While only a handful of fires have occurred while hundreds of thousands of bikes continue to be charged every day with no issue, these fires have ultimately resulted in a few deaths, and governments are not taking it lightly. Rad Power’s announcement to certify all its bikes under UL standards marks a big step for the company, as it’s the first major e-bike manufacturer to do so.
More specifically, Rad Power Bikes has taken a two-pronged approach when it comes to its UL certification. For starters, all of the company’s electric bicycles will be compliant with the UL 2849, or the “UL Standard for Electrical Systems for eBikes.” Under this certification, all the bike’s electrical components including the electric motor, battery, and charging system are inspected and certified. On top of that, all of Rad Power’s lithium-ion batteries will also be certified under the UL 2271, applying only to the batteries used in light electric vehicles.