Inspiring ideas from Emma Beddington (Somehow, it is still January. Here are my nine wellness-free survival tips, 20 January), but has she considered dipping a toe into one of the many online groups? How about Make Your Own Breastmilk Jewellery, the Bathtubs in Fields Appreciation Group or, perhaps closer to home, York Drunken Knitwits?
Joanna Rimmer
Newcastle upon Tyne
• As a prospective patient in the 1970s for wisdom teeth extraction, I was very distressed to realise that my dental surgeon was called Mr Coffin. I wondered at the time why he had not thought to change his name (Letters, 10 January), but I did go ahead with the operation.
Alyson Elliman
Carshalton Beeches, London
• I still can’t believe that my finger was broken by a teaching nun throwing a blackboard duster at me, probably in 1956. During a religious studies class I innocently asked if it was all right for Saint Peter to leave his wife and children to follow Christ. The teacher completely lost control at my heresy (Letters, 19 January).
Moira Gray
Newcastle upon Tyne
• After more than 60 years it still rankles that when a teacher asked my class to identify a shape, I answered: “It’s an oblong,” and she said: “No, it’s a rectangle.”
Richard Chatten
Crystal Palace, London
• The prisons minister suggests that rehabilitation and tags could allow a women’s prison to close (Prisons minister aims to close one women’s jail in England and Wales, 21 January). Really? Tell that to Gaie Delap.
Karen Lewton
Newcastle upon Tyne
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.