There can never be too much artwork based on cats—and so, today, we present you with Jesse Jarldane, an artist who draws funny cat behavior in a vintage poster style.
In an interview with Bored Panda, Jesse disclosed that it all started during the pandemic when he and his girlfriend adopted an older cat named Aiko. “I didn’t know it then, but adopting Aiko changed my life. I quickly became obsessed with cats and began drawing them to practice my art skills,” wrote Jesse.
Fast forward to today—Jesse has a following of over 80K people on Instagram and continues to draw very relatable cat content for us to enjoy. So let’s hop into the post and read the full interview with the artist below.
More info: Instagram | | Facebook

Image credits: jessejarldaneart
First of all, Jesse expanded on the topic of how it all began. He wrote: “This all started during the pandemic lockdown when I was looking for a change of pace at home. One day, my girlfriend showed me a picture of a very cute cat at a local no-kill shelter, and it was one of those moments where I knew getting a cat was the answer to mixing up the energy of my home life. The next day, I adopted a 13-year-old gray cat named Aiko.”

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart
“Before getting Aiko, the subject of my art was rather aimless—I didn’t have a consistent theme, and would make whatever was inspiring for me. Soon, my entire direction shifted to cats. Honestly, it was the perfect answer to the challenge of the “what should I draw?” question. I grew up in Colorado, where I currently live. My family never owned furry pets, as most of us had allergies to fur. We had a few parakeets and hermit crabs though. As a kid, I really loved dogs. I’d volunteer at the Humane Society and walk the dogs there, would walk dogs for people, and I’ve wanted a pitbull my entire life. I really considered myself a dog person. That is until Aiko came along.
“Now I am completely obsessed with cats.”
The artist also shared more about the essence of his artwork: “I draw cats—in any and every situation. The essence of my work revolves around the quirky and hilarious nature of cats and all their unique personalities. My main goal is to capture the essence of them.”

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart
We wondered what initially drew Jesse to the world of artistry. He replied: “It’s the third grade and a few students had gathered under the playground during recess. As I join them, I notice they are showing each other various drawings they made of characters from imagination. One of the kid's drawings was so incredible that I had a startling shock of awakening at that moment—that I wanted to make art that was cool like that, and that making art that good was possible. I remember being in so much awe that something deep within me came online.”

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart
As for the creative process, Jesse shared how he came up with ideas for his illustrations.
“Most of my creative process involves observing cats. Whether it's enjoying and watching Aiko be a wonderful retired elder cat (with lots of energy), seeing a funny video online, or experiencing another quirky thing a cat I meet does. Sometimes, I’ll get an idea and then it naturally grows into a series as I build the original idea.
There definitely isn’t a shortage of material to get inspiration from. I always experience something new with Aiko and other cats that bring me tons of inspiration.
I also am inspired by many different artistic styles and mediums. Many times the medium I’m using informs the illustration and what I draw.”

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart
We asked Jesse to share what he hopes audiences will take away from his artwork.
He wrote: “I hope my audience takes away joy and happiness from my artwork. One of the most surprising things I’ve discovered from being in the cat-loving community has been how strong the community is. People from all walks of life come together to share their love for cats. It transcends borders and is something we all relate to. Owning a cat is this universal experience where we all can enjoy how ridiculous and fun it is to have a little quirky, basically wild animal live with us.
“As the world seems more and more polarized, I’ve found that the cat-loving community is a shining light of love. Anyone and everyone has the space to share their love for their cats, and it’s such a joy that I get to provide a space for that with my art and share my own love for cats. Most of my audience is online, and it truly is remarkable to see so many people from all over the world engage with each other in a peaceful way.”

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart
Lastly, the artist added: “I hope that you find some enjoyment in the art I share and that it inspires you to live your best life. Many of the illustrations I make are inspired by cats, but also lessons that I’ve realized I can work on. I believe cats are masters at living in the present moment, in the total truth of who they are, and completely unafraid to express that. They are like little zen masters who get pampered, and I strive to live like that too. Love! - Jesse."

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart

Image credits: jessejarldaneart